A Perth massage therapist, Cilla Carden, found herself in a difficult situation with her noisy neighbors. Their constant basketball playing and barbecuing had made it nearly impossible for her to relax in her own backyard. The situation escalated to the point where Carden decided to take legal action against her neighbors in the Supreme Court of Australia.

In an interview with 9News, Carden expressed her distress, saying, “It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep.” She has been vocal about the unpleasant smell of her neighbor’s barbecue and the constant noise from the children playing basketball nearby.

Carden had been trying to resolve the issue for several months, but her complaints fell on deaf ears. The strong fishy smell from her neighbor’s place made it unbearable for her to enjoy her backyard. She mentioned, “They’ve put it there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish. I can’t enjoy my backyard, I can’t go out there.”

After a long dispute, Carden took her neighbors to court, claiming that their constant barbecuing and basketball playing were disturbing her peace. Unfortunately, her case was rejected, and her appeal to the Supreme Court was also denied. Frustrated, Carden argued that her neighbors were intentionally causing a disturbance.

Fortunately, it seems that the situation has been resolved. 9News confirmed that the neighbor has removed their barbecue and instructed their children not to play basketball anymore. However, the court case drew public attention and even sparked a Facebook event inviting the community to a barbecue. The event aimed to show Carden that a beloved Australian tradition could not be taken away.

The event gained significant attention, with 24,000 responses. Unfortunately, it was ultimately canceled due to a warning from the police and the threat of legal action from Carden’s lawyer. Some people speculated that Carden’s actions and complaints meant she didn’t want others to eat meat. However, her lawyer made it clear that Carden has no objections to people eating meat or having barbecues.

What are your thoughts on Carden’s legal action against her neighbors? Share your opinions in the comments below. It’s important to respect each other’s rights and find a peaceful resolution to conflicts. Let’s hope that Carden and her neighbors can find a way to coexist peacefully in the future.