Phil Collins Opens Up About Drumming Challenges

Phil Collins is a global music icon known for his incredible talent as a drummer and lead singer. With eight Grammy Awards under his belt, he stands among the ranks of music legends like Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney, having sold over 100 million records both as a solo artist and as a member of the band Genesis.

Born on January 30, 1951, in London, England, Phil Collins was surrounded by music from a young age thanks to his musically gifted parents. His passion for drumming began at the tender age of five when his uncle created a makeshift drum kit for him out of tambourines, triangles, cymbals, and toy drums. Little did his family know that this would ignite a lifelong passion.

Collins fondly remembers the early days of his music career, performing at his parents’ boating club and immersing himself in the English beat scene of the 1960s. One album that particularly captivated him was “Please Please Me” by The Beatles. To improve his drumming skills, he cleverly set up his drum set in front of a mirror and played along while listening to the record. This allowed him to focus on his performance with precision.

As Collins grew older, he decided to take drum lessons to learn how to read sheet music. But he quickly realized that playing by feel and intuition was more effective than relying solely on sheet music. This realization shaped his approach to drumming.

In the 1970s, Collins’s life took a significant turn when he answered an advertisement seeking a drummer for the band Genesis. His prior experience in other bands caught their attention, and he became an integral part of Genesis. The band recorded five albums that featured hit songs, and Collins looks back on those years with fondness.

When the band’s founder and lead vocalist left, Collins stepped up to take on the role of the main singer and drummer. Despite feeling nervous at first, he embraced the challenge because the band couldn’t find a suitable replacement vocalist. This marked the beginning of a successful solo career for Collins, producing chart-topping hits like “In The Air Tonight,” “You Can’t Hurry Love,” and “I Don’t Care Anymore.”

After dedicating 25 years to Genesis, Collins made the difficult decision to leave the band and pursue his solo path. He felt it was time to shift gears in his musical journey. While focusing on his solo career, Collins also explored jazz projects and cinema music.

In 2017, he reunited with Genesis for “The Last Domino” worldwide tour. Unfortunately, the tour was postponed due to the pandemic. In an interview, Collins revealed that his health concerns prevented him from playing the drums during the reunion performances. His son, Nicholas Collins, took over the drumming duties while Phil focused on singing. Despite the physical limitations, he expressed a desire to share the stage with his son.

As Collins and his bandmates age, they acknowledge that they are all facing similar challenges. Phil contemplates whether it’s time to wind down and reflect on a successful career. The decision to continue touring remains uncertain.

Phil Collins, a music legend with an extraordinary career, continues to inspire generations with his talent and musical legacy.