Photographer And His Wife Plant 2 Million Trees In 20 Years To Restore A Destroyed Forest And Even The Animals Have Returned

According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, an area almost as big as South Africa, approximately 129 million hectares of forest, has been lost forever due to deforestation since 1990. Every year, an area about the size of Panama is being lost, leading to devastating consequences for the health of our planet. With deforestation contributing about 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions and countless species losing their habitats, urgent action is needed to address this environmental crisis.

But in the face of such massive environmental damage, it’s easy to feel small and powerless. Will anything we do make a difference? Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado decided to prove that a small group of dedicated individuals can indeed have an impact. They took on the challenge of reforestation to reverse the effects of deforestation.

Salgado, a respected figure in the photography world, returned to his native Brazil after witnessing and documenting the horrors of the Rwandan genocide. To his dismay, the once lush tropical rainforest of his homeland had been destroyed, leaving the land barren and devoid of wildlife. However, Lélia had a vision of restoring the forest to its former glory.

They founded Instituto Terra, a small organization that has since planted 4 million saplings and successfully revived the forest. By planting native trees and meticulously caring for the land, they have witnessed a remarkable transformation. In just 20 years, the area has flourished, with the return of wildlife and the resurrection of an entire ecosystem.

The project has not only had a positive ecological impact but has also inspired millions around the world. It serves as a concrete example of how with the right attitude and actions, the environment can be restored and rejuvenated. Salgado emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with nature and listening to the wisdom of those who work the land, as it is essential for the future well-being of our planet.

Here’s what people had to say about the amazing reforestation initiative

“I learned about this in a documentary that follows the life of Sebastião Salgado called The Salt of the Earth (2014). I highly recommend it as it shows the incredible compassion and dedication this man has had throughout his life. His work has gone beyond what seems possible for a single human being and should inspire us all to be better.”

“This is amazing. The land was so damaged, but they managed to bring it back. It’s truly remarkable.”

“This project is truly inspiring. It shows that with determination and love for the planet, we can make a difference.”

If you want to learn more about Sebastião Salgado’s work, you can watch the documentary trailer .