President Joe Biden made an announcement on Sunday that he will not be seeking re-election for the presidential race. In a letter to the public, Biden stated that he believes it is in the best interest of his party and the country to step aside and focus on fulfilling his duties as President for the remainder of his term.

Biden’s decision comes after facing pressure to withdraw following a difficult debate performance in June. Even his supporters expressed concerns about his ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the office. Recent reports have indicated that Biden has become more open to the idea of stepping down, showing a receptiveness that was not seen before.

In an interview with BET, Biden expressed his openness to stepping down if he were to be diagnosed with a medical condition. Ironically, shortly after this interview, Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19 and withdrew from the campaign trail.

As an 81-year-old President, Biden has faced challenges in addressing concerns within his own party regarding his ability to lead. Many worry that he may negatively impact Democratic candidates across the country. Biden recently discussed with Democrat governors that his schedule from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. was taking a toll on his energy levels and emphasized the need for rest, sleep, and reduced workload.

First Lady Jill Biden and Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, have reportedly taken on more responsibilities in managing the President’s affairs since the debate. They believe that some individuals in the White House cannot be trusted and may be working against him. Hunter Biden has assumed the role of gatekeeper, controlling access to his father.

There have been reports that Biden’s aides have been assertive in responding to Democrats who question his mental fitness for office. During a recent interview, Biden declined to commit to taking a neurological exam when asked by ABC News host George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos himself later expressed doubt about Biden’s ability to serve four more years.

Concerns about Biden’s health have been further amplified by the fact that he has been evaluated by a Parkinson’s disease expert during his annual physical exams. Publicly, several doctors have expressed their belief that Biden has Parkinson’s disease, citing symptoms such as slow movement, low voice, shuffling gait, and loss of arm swing.

In summary, President Biden has made the decision to step aside from the presidential race. This decision has been influenced by his debate performance, concerns about his ability to fulfill his duties, and his diagnosis of COVID-19. As an 81-year-old President, Biden has faced pressure to address questions regarding his mental fitness for office.