When it comes to love, people sometimes do unimaginable things. This was the case for Marcy Helms, a woman deeply infatuated with Brandon Irving Helms. Little did she know that her love for Brandon would lead her down a dark path, where she would sacrifice the innocence of her own daughter.

Mom Lets Man Rape Her 8-Year-Old Daughter So She Could Be His “Concubine”

Marcy had a daughter from a previous relationship, and she was determined to create a harmonious family with her new husband. However, Brandon’s desires took a twisted turn when he allegedly requested Marcy’s 8-year-old daughter to become his “concubine.” Shockingly, Marcy acquiesced to this horrific request, allowing Brandon to repeatedly rape her daughter for almost a decade until she became pregnant with his child.

The abused daughter endured unimaginable suffering, giving birth to Brandon Helms’s child when she was only fifteen years old. Now, at seventeen, her father-in-law and mother both find themselves behind bars, facing the consequences of their heinous actions. Brandon has already been convicted of rape, along with several charges of aggravated sexual assault against a minor. Last November, a Virginia judge handed down a life sentence to Brandon, ensuring he would never harm another innocent child.

Marcy’s decision to allow Brandon access to her daughter, with the intention of becoming his “concubine,” resulted in years of terrifying abuse for the young girl. During this time, the family lived in an abandoned house marked for demolition. Understanding the secrecy required to conceal Brandon’s relationship with his victim, the child gave birth to their baby on the kitchen table.

Thankfully, someone in the area became aware of the situation and called the authorities. Social worker Wannetta Jones arrived at the dilapidated home on East 27th Street on May 8th, forever haunted by the horrors she witnessed. The scene she encountered can only be described as a nightmare etched into her memory.

As reported by Journal Now, Assistant District Attorney Pansy Glanton recounted the events in court. Brandon initially refused to let Jones enter the house and denied the presence of any children. A tense standoff followed until Jones and her supervisor enlisted the help of the Winston-Salem police officers. Eventually, the house’s owner granted access, revealing an environment unsuitable for children. After several hours without finding any children, Jones, along with the police and fire officials, left the premises.

However, destiny had other plans. While driving back to the office, Jones was approached by a concerned citizen who had made the anonymous call. He informed Jones that he had seen the children leaving the house, describing the car they were in. Jones wasted no time and immediately contacted the police. An officer intercepted the car, driven by Brandon Helms, with his wife in the passenger seat. In the back, the 15-year-old girl cradled her infant daughter, while Marcy Helms’s other daughter sat securely in her child’s seat. Shockingly, police later discovered two more children concealed under the floorboards in the back seat.

Brandon faced justice when he was found guilty on twenty charges related to the rape and sexual assault of the underage victim. Marcy Lynn Helms, the girl’s own mother, is also paying the price for allowing her husband to commit such heinous acts. She too will spend a significant amount of time behind bars.

This heartbreaking story serves as a reminder that our duty to protect the innocent knows no bounds. We must remain vigilant, trust our instincts, and be willing to take action when faced with the welfare of a child at risk. Together, we can create a safe and nurturing environment for future generations to thrive.