Trespassing Rapper Shakes Up Alabama High School: What Happened?

Meet Anthony Beverly, famously known as Li Woadie, the 22-year-old rapper who decided to transform a simple Alabama high school into his personal Hollywood set. Beverly, claiming the ripe young age of 16 while dating a 26-year-old (talk about drama!), recently found himself in hot water. Not for his lyrics, but for his uninvited cameo at Murphy High School in Mobile, Alabama.

In a daring move that’s sparked more gossip than his latest mixtape, Beverly strolled into the high school’s campus without a hitch, aiming to shoot an eye-popping music video. And yes, there’s actual footage. The concerned parents and bewildered school staff had a lot to say about this unscheduled entertainment break.

Beverly insists he was granted permission by an unknown female at the school—though he’s a bit fuzzy on whether she was a faculty member or a student. However, he confidently recounts, “I asked if I could shoot the video. I don’t know if it was a teacher or a student; I don’t know who it was. She said yes… I walked right past them. So, I walked right past them, made my video, and I left.” Smooth, right?

But not so fast. Once the sparkly dust settled, Beverly issued an apology via a phone interview with a local news outlet. Perhaps he realized that an unsolicited high school tour wasn’t the best way to hit the Billboard charts.

The Mobile County Public School System (MCPSS) was quick to respond. In their statement, they noted how a slick character in school garb tried to blend into the cafeteria crowd but was promptly turned away by vigilant staff members. Beverly, undeterred, left the campus, his entourage of school officials in pursuit.

Not stopping there, MCPSS emphasized their collaboration with law enforcement to ensure Beverly’s campus conquest wouldn’t set a dangerous precedent. They’re currently reviewing safety efforts to keep such escapades off school grounds in the future.

If you’re thinking this sounds like the plot of a teenage dramedy, hold on to your hats. Beverly’s no stranger to trouble. His rap sheet includes obstructing justice using a false identity, a violation of a protective order, third-degree domestic violence, and even criminal mischief. Quite the rebel, right?

Despite his adventurous spirit, this episode has added a bittersweet note to his career. While creating a buzz is the essence of showbiz, Beverly’s stint at Murphy High School has left an indelible mark for all the wrong reasons.

The internet, ever-unforgiving and chronically entertained, has mixed feelings. The video of his uninvited visit mixed with school day monotony has some viewers amused and others outraged. Perhaps they’re waiting for his next stunt or simply curious about his next apology tour.

Now, what’s your take on our budding rap artist? You’ve got to hand it to him for creativity, but maybe a bit more planning—and you know, actual permission—might serve him well next time.

As they say, any publicity is good publicity—so maybe Beverly’s impromptu school visit was a stroke of genius? Letters remain divided, and the legend of Li Woadie continues to unfold.