Striving to Embrace a New Look

Sahar Tabar, a 19-year-old Iranian woman, captivated the world with her quest for transformation. Inspired by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, Sahar underwent over 50 plastic surgeries to enhance her appearance. While she never explicitly aimed to become a Jolie doppelgänger, her fans couldn’t help but draw comparisons. Sahar proudly showcased her altered features on social media, gaining both admiration and skepticism. Some even questioned if her photos were heavily edited or digitally altered.

Unexpected Fame and a Digital Persona

Sahar Tabar rose to fame through her social media presence, posting captivating pictures of her unconventional appearance. At one point, she amassed nearly four million followers on Instagram under the handle @sahartabarofficial. While her mother disapproved of her online activities, Sahar saw the digital space as an outlet to express herself and garner attention. With her shocking resemblance to Angelina Jolie, Sahar became the center of attention in cyberspace.

An Artistic Form of Self-Expression

In a candid interview with the Russian website Sputnik, Sahar Tabar revealed that her intention was never to emulate Angelina Jolie. She explained that every time she posted a photo, she adorned her face in an increasingly whimsical manner, using makeup to create unique and captivating looks. Sahar emphasized that her fans understood this was not her true face. "I didn’t even want to look like Jolie," she said. "I am a muse, and remembering someone is not an end."

Controversy and Imprisonment

Tabar’s captivating journey took an unexpected turn when she was arrested in October 2019, allegedly for posting blasphemous Instagram photos. Alongside this charge, she faced accusations of illegally purchasing property, inciting violence, negatively influencing youth, earning money through unethical means, and violating Iran’s strict dress code for women. Despite her young age, Sahar Tabar received a staggering ten-year prison sentence and was incarcerated in Qarchak, known as one of Iran’s harshest women’s prisons.

A Cry for Help Reaches Angelina Jolie

Responding to Sahar’s dire situation, Iranian activist Masih Alinejad took to social media, urging Angelina Jolie to lend her support. Alinejad highlighted Sahar’s youth and her mother’s desperate plea for her release. "Angelina Jolie, we need your opinion. Please assist us," implored Alinejad. Through this plea, the activist aimed to shed light on the challenging circumstances Sahar faced and draw attention to her plight.

A Glimmer of Hope: Freedom at Last

After enduring 14 months in prison, Sahar Tabar has finally been released. This development comes in the wake of the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who was arrested and brutally beaten by Iranian police for not wearing her hijab correctly. While Sahar’s story continues to captivate many around the world, her release brings a glimmer of hope and relief to those who have followed her transformative journey.