In the good old days, when everything was done manually, our mothers and grandmothers relied on a variety of kitchen gadgets to create delicious meals. These tools are often forgotten now, with the advent of newer and more convenient kitchen appliances. However, there is a certain charm to the old-fashioned gadgets that can’t be replicated. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about some of these beloved gadgets.

Donut Cutters

Who can resist the allure of fresh, homemade donuts? Back in the day, our mothers and grandmothers would use a donut cutter to ensure that each pastry was perfectly uniform in shape. It might have been a lot of work, but the taste was absolutely worth the effort.

Butter Shavers

In a time when dinner parties and elegance were paramount, even the presentation of butter was taken into consideration. Shaped pats and whimsical curls of butter added a touch of sophistication to any meal. Whether it was cut, shaved, or molded into intricate shapes, the extra effort put into creating these butter garnishes made the entire dining experience more delightful.


To achieve perfectly smooth mashed potatoes and a variety of other dishes, a ricer was an essential kitchen tool. This simple device worked wonders in creating silky-textured food. While it has been largely replaced by the convenience of food processors, there’s something special about the results achieved with a ricer that simply can’t be replicated with modern gadgets.

Hand Egg Beaters

Do you remember the nostalgic feeling of manually whisking egg whites or cream with a hand-crank egg beater? Long before the dominance of electric mixers, this was the go-to tool for achieving perfect peaks and fluffy texture. Some of us might even miss the satisfying exercise it provided during the cooking process.

Cruet Servers

Before the wide array of ready-made sauces and dressings filled supermarket shelves, many households relied on a simple set of cruet servers. A classic combination of oil and vinegar was often served at the table, adding a touch of flavor to any meal. A set like this would have held a special place of pride on many dining tables.

Sugar Tongs

Tea parties and casual afternoon teatime were common occurrences in the past. Serving sugar cubes required the use of tongs to add an air of refinement to the experience. Not only did these tongs bring elegance to the table, but they also facilitated the clean and efficient transfer of sugar cubes, reducing waste.

Jar Openers

Opening tightly-sealed jars can be a challenge, especially as we age. That’s where jar openers come to the rescue. These handy devices were adjustable to fit any size of jar and provided an easy-grip handle for effortless twisting. While not as common these days, they truly were a lifesaver and remain a favorite gadget for many.

Flour Sifters

In the bygone era, flour was typically sold in larger sacks. Over time, the flour would become densely packed, making it difficult to achieve a light and airy texture. This is where flour sifters came into play. Running flour through a sifter helped aerate it, resulting in lighter and easier-to-mix flour. It was the perfect tool for making bread, especially for that fancy toaster!

These days, the market is flooded with a plethora of kitchen gadgets, many of which are still hand-powered. However, few things can surpass the nostalgic charm and usefulness of the old-fashioned gadgets we’ve discussed. Cooking has certainly evolved over the years, and our kitchen tools reflect these changes. What about you? Do you remember using or seeing your mom use any of these gadgets that are rarely found in kitchens today? Share your memories with us in the comments below!