We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Tanya Spencer, a former news anchor for WRTV, an ABC News affiliate. Tanya, who was better known by her on-air persona, touched the lives of many with her incredible journalism career. At the age of 53, she lost her battle with cancer on May 24, 2023, surrounded by her loved ones at home.

A Distinguished Career

Tanya dedicated twenty years of her life to the world of television reporting. Half of her career was spent at WRTV, where she served as a reporter and host. Her professionalism and dedication made her a familiar face in the Indianapolis community. People respected not only her work but also her right to privacy. Her impact went beyond delivering the news; she was a part of their daily lives.

Facing Adversity with Strength

In 2015, Tanya revealed that she had a rare genetic mutation known as the Kras G12c mutation. This discovery came after a challenging surgery on November 17, 2022, where it was revealed that she had colon cancer. The tumor was the size of a grapefruit, and its aggressive nature posed a significant threat to her well-being. Despite undergoing chemotherapy and exploring alternative treatments, the cancer continued to spread.

Becoming a Health Advocate

Throughout her battle with cancer, Tanya became a passionate health advocate. She urged everyone to prioritize their well-being by undergoing regular colonoscopy screenings. Reflecting on her own experience, she emphasized the importance of early detection.

“I put off getting a colonoscopy check-up for too long. If you could imagine me finding this grapefruit-sized tumor six years earlier – we would be having a different conversation. A colonoscopy may be uncomfortable, but it is a vital step towards good health. Get it at 45,” Tanya passionately advised.

Remembering Tanya Spencer

Tanya will be remembered as a resilient and caring individual who inspired others through her work and advocacy. Her positive impact on the community will not be forgotten. Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family, including her loving husband and teenage son. It is our hope that her legacy serves as a reminder to prioritize our health and cherish every moment we have.