We all agree that our wedding day is a significant milestone in our lives, but how we choose to celebrate it can vary greatly. While some may opt for a simple courthouse ceremony, others are willing to spend a fortune on a lavish wedding. However, not everyone has the means to afford such extravagance.

Recently, a father from New York found himself in a dilemma when his daughter revealed her dream wedding plans. Though he had previously promised to pay for her wedding, he was taken aback when he discovered that she wanted a $200,000 destination wedding in New Zealand. The father, realizing the hefty price tag, questioned whether it was worth spending such a large sum of money.

Unsurprisingly, his decision was met with disbelief from his family, who couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t pay for the extravagant wedding. In search of guidance, he turned to the online community for their opinion on the matter.

The Question of Unreasonableness

“My daughter wishes to have a destination wedding, but I disagree,” the father wrote. “My wife believes we should support her dream because we can afford it, but I see it as an unnecessary display of wealth. Now, both my daughter and wife have stopped talking to me. Should I give in and spend a fortune, even if it means alienating my family?”

Realizing the weight of the situation, the father admitted that his initial reaction may not have been well-received. However, he was determined to explore alternatives that could still create a memorable wedding experience without breaking the bank.

Exploring Other Options

To gain a better understanding of the possibilities, the father decided to research the cost of a wedding in New York, considering different guest counts ranging from 100 to 200 people. Armed with this information, he planned to make an informed decision – one that would either involve a wedding or a down payment on a house.

As the wedding planning escalated, the father knew he would have to address any potential conflicts with his wife at a later time. For now, he was focused on finding a compromise that would satisfy both his daughter’s dreams and his own concerns about unnecessary spending. 


It’s important to remember that while weddings are special, they shouldn’t burden families with unnecessary financial strain. Finding a balance between creating a memorable experience and being mindful of expenses is crucial. In the end, what truly matters is the love and happiness shared between the couple, regardless of the setting or extravagance of the celebration.