When we think of Robert De Niro, we often picture him in iconic movie roles rather than as a family man. But did you know that he recently celebrated his daughter’s first birthday at the age of 80? It’s amazing how time flies!

80-Yr-Old Robert De Niro Wishes His 1-Yr-Old Daughter A Happy Birthday

De Niro, known for his incredible talent and entertaining performances, opened up about the special occasion with his family. Reflecting on the celebration, he shared, “She had a little cake, it was very nice, sweet.” It must have been a joyful and memorable moment for everyone.

Speaking about his daughter, De Niro expressed the pure joy she brings to his life. He said, “Well, she’s pure joy, there’s nothing about her, there’s no judgment, there’s no anything, she just is what she is and it’s just pure joy for god sakes.” It’s heartwarming to see the happiness his daughter has brought into his life.

De Niro is a proud father of seven children, with his oldest adopted daughter being 51 years old. Among his children is also a 47-year-old son named Raffaella and twin sons, Julian and Aaron. He has experienced the journey of parenthood at various stages in life, with his youngest child being the new baby girl.

In addition to his seven children, De Niro is also a grandfather to four grandchildren. However, he faced the tragic loss of one grandchild due to a drug overdose last year. It’s a reminder of the challenges and heartbreak that can come with parenting, no matter the age.

Despite being an older father, De Niro embraces fatherhood with the same enthusiasm as a younger dad. He shared, “It’s always good and mysterious, and you don’t know what the h**l is going to happen.” Parenting is an adventure filled with surprises and love, regardless of age.

So, as we acknowledge De Niro’s incredible achievements in the movie industry, let’s also appreciate the joy he finds in being a devoted family man. His love and dedication to his children and grandchildren show that age does not diminish the love a parent feels.

Let’s wish Robert De Niro’s daughter a very happy first birthday and sending warm wishes to their beautiful family!