The Wright family has received some uplifting news amidst a difficult time. Spencer Wright, a prominent rodeo star, and his wife Kallie are celebrating the progress of their 3-year-old son, Levi, who was involved in a serious toy tractor accident.

Levi had driven his toy tractor into a river in Utah, resulting in critical injuries. However, there is now hope for his recovery.

Kallie took to social media to share the positive update. On May 23, she excitedly wrote on Facebook, “LEVI WOKE UP! I am shook, we don’t know much but the doctor said it was okay for me to get excited about that and I AM! My baby is so tough!”

She went on to explain that although Levi is not fully conscious or able to communicate yet, he opened his eyes for a period of time and showed purposeful movements. This is a significant step forward in his healing process.

Despite their joy, Kallie emphasized that they are remaining cautious and aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Levi’s recovery journey is still long and uncertain. However, they have noticed encouraging signs of activity and awareness, particularly when the family talks about Levi’s passion for excavators and tractors.

Kallie also expressed her gratitude towards the online community for their support and prayers during this challenging time. She acknowledged that the collective prayers have provided immense strength during their ordeal.

The incident occurred on May 21 when Levi fell into a river while riding his toy tractor. He was airlifted to the hospital, and it was revealed that his brain had been deprived of oxygen for an extended period. Despite this, Levi’s heart continues to beat on its own, demonstrating his remarkable resilience.

Family spokesperson Mindy Sue Clark has been providing updates on Levi’s condition. She shared that there have been noticeable changes in Levi’s EEG monitor when family members engage with him. This observation gives them hope for his recovery.

The Wright family, including Levi’s siblings Steeley (5 years old) and Brae (9 months old), remain optimistic and united during this challenging time. Steeley, through a FaceTime call, expressed her love and anticipation for her brother’s return home. The family’s unwavering support and love are vital in Levi’s healing process.

The road to recovery may be uncertain, but Levi’s progress is a reason to celebrate. With the support of their loved ones and the prayers of many around the world, the Wright family remains hopeful and determined to see young Levi regain his health and joy once again.