Russell Brand questioned by police over 'non-recent' sexual allegations

Russell Brand, the well-known comedian, has recently been questioned by the police regarding historical allegations of sexual offenses. The comic willingly attended a police station in south London on Thursday to provide his statement. The Metropolitan Police confirmed that a man in his forties was in attendance and was being interviewed under caution.

This situation follows previous accusations made against Russell Brand, who is now 48 years old. He has strongly denied all accusations, including rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse, which were made during the peak of his fame. The allegations were reported by Channel 4’s Dispatches, The Times, and The Sunday Times on September 16th and 17th. Four women came forward to share their accounts of incidents that occurred between 2006 and 2013.

It is currently unclear whether Russell Brand’s questioning by the police is directly related to the allegations revealed in the documentary. Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy, who is leading the investigation, has urged anyone who believes they may have been a victim of a sexual offense, regardless of the time that has passed, to come forward and contact the police. Specialized officers are available to provide advice and support during the process.

Additionally, two more complaints have recently been made to the BBC, bringing the total number of complaints directly made against Russell Brand to five. However, the specific details of these new allegations have not been disclosed. Furthermore, it was revealed that no disciplinary action was taken against Russell Brand during his time at the BBC from 2006 to 2008.

In response to the recent allegations, Russell Brand released a lengthy statement in which he vehemently denied the accusations. He also pointed out that there are witnesses whose testimony contradicts the narrative being presented by certain mainstream media outlets. Russell Brand expressed concern and feels under attack, considering th coordinated nature of these allegations. The matter is being taken seriously and will be further investigated.

Let us stand together against sexual assault and support those who have been affected.