Safiyya Vorajee, the mother of the late Azaylia Diamond Cain, has embarked on a beautiful act of generosity this Christmas season. Despite the immense grief she continues to experience after the loss of her eight-month-old daughter, Safiyya has been dedicated to shopping for less fortunate families. In an emotional Instagram post, she shared how this undertaking took her out of her comfort zone and posed significant challenges.

Safiyya’s mission was to gather toys for “children fighting fearlessly against childhood cancer.” As she showcased snapshots of herself surrounded by a mountain of toys, she candidly expressed her profound wish: that she could also be shopping for Azaylia, who tragically passed away in April after battling a fierce form of leukemia.

While immersing herself in this bittersweet task, Safiyya admitted that watching children and their parents excitedly preparing for Christmas brought both tears to her eyes and a lump to her throat. She emphasized the difficulty she faced, riding waves of anxiety that brought her to tears both in her car and in the store.

In the midst of her grief, Safiyya reflected on the true purpose of her shopping expedition. She thought about the brave children combating childhood cancer and their unyielding spirit, which brings joy and magic into their lives. In an ideal world, she wished she could gift them something beyond toys—an end to their suffering and the restoration of their health.

After hours of shopping, Safiyya’s heart was filled with warmth, knowing that she had made a difference for these children. She poured her emotions into this act of kindness, which she hopes will bring smiles and a touch of magic to the lives of those battling cancer.

In the wake of Azaylia’s tragic passing, Safiyya and her partner, Ashley Cain, founded The Azaylia Foundation in August. Their aim is to support and provide guidance to other parents who find themselves in similar circumstances. The couple hopes that their organization will serve as a beacon of light and hope for those facing the challenges that they have endured.

As Safiyya concluded her emotional post, she paid tribute to her beloved daughter and urged her followers to care for one another during the Christmas season. She expressed gratitude to the exceptional staff at Smyths and Curry’s who went above and beyond to assist with her toy shopping. She also gave a special shout-out to her rock, her brother Danny, for his unwavering support.

Safiyya signed off with a heartfelt reminder for everyone to check in on their loved ones this Christmas. In these challenging times, a simple act of reaching out can make a world of difference. Let us all embrace the spirit of compassion and unity, inspired by Safiyya’s extraordinary dedication to making the world a better place for those in need.