Sahar Tabar, a 19-year-old Iranian woman, took the world by storm as she embarked on a journey of self-transformation. Her story, which involves numerous plastic surgeries aimed at resembling Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, captivated online audiences and earned her the nickname “Iran’s Zombie Angelina Jolie.” Recently, after serving a sentence of ten years, Sahar Tabar has finally been released from jail.

Embracing Change

With unwavering determination, Tabar underwent more than 50 surgeries to enhance her appearance. While she never explicitly expressed her desire to look like Angelina Jolie, her fans quickly made the connection. Sahar showcased her unique features through social media, where she shared photos featuring gaunt cheekbones, plumped and angular lips, and a noticeably different nose. It’s worth noting, however, that some people speculate about the authenticity of these surgeries, suggesting that the images may have been heavily edited or digitally altered.

Unexpected Fame in the Digital World

Sahar Tabar gained immense popularity on social media by sharing pictures of her unconventional and distinct appearance. At one point, her Instagram account had nearly four million followers under the handle @sahartabarofficial. Unfortunately, the account has since been removed. Despite her mother’s disapproval of her social media presence and the shocking resemblance to Angelina Jolie, Sahar yearned for fame and saw the online world as an accessible platform to express herself and gain attention.

Artistic Self-Expression

In an interview with the Russian website Sputnik, Sahar Tabar clarified that her intention was never to mimic Angelina Jolie’s exact appearance. “Every time I publish a photo, I paint my face in an increasingly funny way,” she explained. “My fans understand that this is not my true face. I never aimed to look like Jolie or the cartoon character, the Corpse Bride. Though I can see the connection now, I consider myself a muse. Remembering someone is not my ultimate goal.”

A Story of Controversy and Imprisonment

Tabar’s journey took a dark turn when she was arrested in October 2019 for allegedly posting blasphemous Instagram photos. The charges against her included illegally acquiring property, inciting violence, negatively influencing youth, earning money through unethical means, and violating the country’s strict dress code for women. Despite her young age, Sahar Tabar received an unexpectedly harsh sentence of ten years. She was imprisoned in Qarchak, reputed as one of the toughest women’s prisons in the country.

A Plea for Support and Freedom

In the face of Sahar’s case, Iranian activist Masih Alinejad took to social media, calling upon Angelina Jolie for support. Alinejad emphasized Tabar’s youth and made a heartfelt plea on behalf of Sahar’s desperate mother, urging Jolie to lend her voice to the cause. This plea aimed to shed light on the difficult circumstances Sahar Tabar faced and garnered the attention necessary to secure her freedom.

The Rays of Hope

After 14 long months behind bars, Sahar Tabar has finally been granted her freedom. This news comes in the wake of the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, who was recently arrested and brutally beaten by Iranian police for not adhering to the strict hijab dress code. While Sahar’s unique story continues to captivate the world, her release brings a glimmer of hope and relief to all those who have followed her journey.

Let us celebrate Sahar’s transformation and wish her a brighter and hopeful future ahead.