Are you looking for more ways to save money on your energy bills? Well, the Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis, has some valuable advice for you. He suggests avoiding the use of washing machines and other energy-intensive appliances during certain times of the day to reduce the risk of power outages and cut down on electricity costs.

During peak periods, the National Grid experiences a surge in electricity demand, increasing the chances of power cuts. Lewis recommends avoiding energy usage between 4pm and 7pm, when the demand is at its highest. By adjusting your laundry routine and minimizing energy consumption during these hours, you not only help prevent power outages but also contribute to a collective effort in reducing energy usage.

To further promote energy conservation during peak times, the National Grid has introduced a demand flexibility service. By signing up for this scheme and agreeing to use less energy during peak hours, you can enjoy discounts on your electricity bills. This incentive is available year-round and can provide significant savings. So, why not delay using your oven, washing machine, dryer, and charging devices during these high-demand periods?

It’s always beneficial to shake up your routine and find new ways to save energy and money. Since its launch in Winter 2022, over a million homes and businesses have already joined the demand flexibility service, thanks to the support of 26 energy suppliers. Not only does this initiative help individuals reduce their carbon footprint, but it also provides financial benefits. Depending on the amount of energy saved, you could potentially save up to £30 on your bills.

So, as summer comes to an end, consider adjusting your laundry routine and taking advantage of the demand flexibility service. Together, we can make a difference by conserving energy and saving money.