Spray This Simple 2-Ingredient Mixture & You Will Never See Spiders Or Insects In Your Home

Are you tired of dealing with spiders and insects in your home? Don’t worry, we have the solution for you! Many people are divided on whether to use harsh chemicals or natural remedies to keep creepy crawlies at bay. But no matter which camp you’re in, we all want a pest-free home.

Spiders Are Important, But…

Did you know that spiders actually play a vital role in our ecosystem? They help control the population of other insects in our homes and gardens. However, if you’re not a fan of spiders or have arachnophobia, keeping them away is the best option for your peace of mind.

The Power of Peppermint Oil

One natural remedy that is said to repel spiders is peppermint oil. You can easily find this fragrant oil in your local grocery store or health food store. Spiders dislike the strong scent of peppermint, which is why it can help keep them away.

To make a simple spider-repellent spray, all you need is:

  • Five drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 16 ounces of water in a spray bottle

Mix the ingredients well and spray the mixture around doors, windows, corners, and the exterior perimeter of your home. Focus on entryways like windowsills and dark corners where spiders might hide. Please note that you may need to spray more frequently than with traditional pest control methods.

Safety Tips and Other Natural Remedies

When using peppermint oil, always remember to dilute it with water and avoid contact with your eyes. And if you have pets, be cautious as some essential oils may be harmful to them.

If you’re looking for other natural spider repellents, you can try lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, citronella oil, or lavender oil. These oils have various additional benefits too, such as brightening skin tone or repelling mosquitoes.

Prevention Is Key

While getting rid of spiders can be challenging, there are some preventative measures you can take to keep them away. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Keep your house clean and dust-free, paying close attention to corners and window sills.
  2. Check for visible cobwebs or spider egg sacks and remove them carefully.
  3. Store piles of wood, leaf piles, or compost away from your house, as they attract spiders.
  4. Seal all doors, window screens, and moldings to prevent spiders from entering.

If you’re dealing with a severe spider infestation or venomous spiders, it might be best to call a professional for help. Your peace of mind is worth it!

Remember, with this simple peppermint oil recipe and a few preventative measures, you can say goodbye to spiders and insects in your home. Happy pest-free living!