In a heartwarming act of kindness, eight-year-old Ellie Spackman has gathered over 500 Easter eggs to be donated to the Neo-natal unit and Children’s ward at Gloucester Royal Hospital, as well as the James Hopkins Trust. Ellie’s mission is in loving memory of her baby brother, Arthur.

Charlene Spackman and Ashley Spackman with Arthur and Ellie

Every year, Ellie, accompanied by her parents Charlene and Ashley Spackman, visits the hospital and local charity to distribute chocolate eggs to children in need. This is their way of giving back to the community that provided tremendous support to their family during Arthur’s hospitalization.

Tragically, Arthur passed away in 2019 at the tender age of two after being diagnosed with a very rare genetic terminal condition called Non-Ketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH) when he was just 10 days old.

Gloucester Royal Hospital and the James Hopkins Trust played a vital role in caring for Arthur, and now Ellie is determined to express her gratitude and support their outstanding work.

Ellie Spackman delivering Easter eggs in 2021

Charlene shared, “Since Arthur’s death, Ellie has expressed a strong desire to give back to the people who supported her when her brother was in their care. Ellie has always been eager to help other children like her brother and their siblings, just as she herself received support during Arthur’s time in the hospital.”

The tradition of donating Easter eggs began in 2019 with the family distributing selection boxes during Christmas. Ellie actively participates in every step of the process, from loading up the car to personally distributing the eggs to the hospital. The nurses have become familiar faces to Ellie, and this act of remembrance for her brother brings immense joy to her heart.

“It’s incredible to see the impact these eggs have on the children in the hospital. They are not only for the children receiving treatment but also for their visiting siblings, just like Ellie,” Charlene explained.

This year marks the fourth occasion the family has donated Easter eggs, and they have already amassed a staggering 500 eggs in their home. These sweet treats will bring smiles to the faces of deserving children later this month.

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