Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty is an undeniably brave woman. In 2020, when her cancer returned, she made the courageous decision to share her experience of enduring treatment. Cancer treatment is an unpleasant and grueling process that takes a massive toll on the body. Shannen wanted people to have a better understanding of what it’s like, as there is so much fear surrounding it. Consequently, she shared a raw and honest account of her cancer journey, shining a light on the reality of the process.

A Closer Look at Shannen Doherty’s Cancer Experience

The prospect of cancer is terrifying for many individuals. The fear of receiving a diagnosis can lead to imagining the worst-case scenarios. However, unless you have had a loved one who underwent cancer treatment, it’s difficult to truly grasp what it’s like. Fortunately, Shannen Doherty’s bravery in sharing her journey has provided a glimpse into the grueling process of cancer treatment.

Shannen Doherty

In October 2021, Shannen began documenting her breast cancer journey on her Instagram page. It was a departure from her previous approach, as she delved into the details. Her breast cancer had initially gone into remission in 2015, only to return as stage four breast cancer in 2020. To commemorate breast cancer awareness month, she chose to share her personal journey, including the not-so-pretty aspects.

“For breast cancer awareness month, I’d like to share more of my own personal journey from my first diagnosis to my second,” she wrote. “Is it all pretty? NO, but it’s truthful. My hope in sharing is that we all become more educated and familiar with what cancer looks like.”

Overcoming Fear and Turmoil

Shannen Doherty invited both followers and non-followers to join her on her cancer treatment journey. On her Instagram page, she posted about the first round of radiation treatment. Her long-awaited journey had finally begun. However, she first shared the process of getting a mask fitted for CT scans, which she would wear during radiation therapy to the brain. In the caption of the post, she wrote, “January 12, 2023. On January 5th, my CT scan showed Mets in my brain. Yesterday’s video was showing the process of getting fitted for the mask which you wear during radiation to your brain.”

Shannen then courageously opened up about the emotional trauma she experienced during this process. She admitted to being claustrophobic, which meant she was not comfortable in small spaces. “January 12, the first round of radiation took place,” she explained. “My fear is obvious. I am extremely claustrophobic and there was a lot going on in my life. I am fortunate to have great doctors like Dr. Amin Mirahdi and the amazing technicians at Cedar Sinai. But that fear…the turmoil…the timing of it all…this is what cancer can look like.”

Next, Shannen shared a video of herself before surgery. She was undergoing a tumor removal and biopsy. “January 16, 2023. Surgery,” she wrote. “I had a tumor in my head they wanted to remove and also biopsy. I am clearly trying to be brave, but I am petrified. The fear was overwhelming. I was scared of all possible bad outcomes, worried about leaving my mom and how that would impact her. Worried that I would come out of surgery not being myself anymore. This is what cancer can look like.”

Shannen Doherty’s brave battle against cancer serves as an inspiration to all. Her willingness to share the ups and downs of her journey provides a better understanding of what individuals facing cancer endure. The hope is that her story will educate, raise awareness, and ultimately bring comfort to those going through similar experiences.