The world was deeply saddened by the news of Shannen Doherty’s passing. The beloved star of Charmed and 90210 was only 53 years old and had fought a courageous battle against cancer for the past seven years of her life.

Throughout her journey, Doherty kept her fans updated on her health condition. In 2015, she revealed that she had been diagnosed with “invasive breast cancer metastatic to at least one lymph node.” It was a devastating blow, but she faced it with strength and determination.

After undergoing numerous surgeries and treatments, there was a glimmer of hope as Doherty went into remission. However, the disease soon returned, and in 2020, she shared the heartbreaking news that she had been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. This severe stage meant that the cancer had spread to various parts of her body.

In 2023, Doherty bravely announced that the cancer had metastasized to her brain and bones. She underwent surgery to remove “almost all” of the brain tumor. Throughout it all, she continued to inspire others with her resilience and determination.

In her final social media post, Doherty shared a clip from the Let’s Be Clear podcast on her Instagram page. In the clip, she expressed her feelings of uncertainty about undergoing chemotherapy. She spoke candidly about the fear and the unknown, but also found a glimmer of hope in the fact that her cancer cells had recently changed. This meant that there were now more treatment protocols available for her to try.

Sadly, Shannen Doherty’s friend and publicist, Leslie Sloane, confirmed her passing on July 14. In a heartfelt statement, Sloane announced that Doherty had lost her long battle with cancer while surrounded by her loved ones and her beloved dog, Bowie.

The world mourns the loss of a talented actress and a brave soul. Shannen Doherty’s strength and courage will continue to inspire others in their own battles against cancer. May she rest in eternal peace.

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