When you’re in a relationship, trust is important in all aspects of life, including finances. However, not everyone deserves that trust. One woman found this out the hard way when she noticed a recurring pattern with her boyfriend whenever they went out to eat. Every time, he conveniently “forgot” his credit card.

It was an incredibly frustrating situation for her, and she didn’t know how to handle it. So, she turned to Reddit for advice and validation. She shared her story, seeking understanding for her feelings or perhaps a different perspective on the situation.

For the past 9 months, I’ve been dating my 36-year-old boyfriend. He has two young children who love dining out. We make it a point to go out once a week, but there’s always one problem – he consistently forgets his credit card when it’s time to pay the bill. As a result, I end up covering the costs, considering we have the kids with us. Sadly, this has left me broke not only this month but also the month before.

Recently, I received my payment from my part-time job, and we had planned to go out with the kids. I even sent him a text message as a reminder to bring his credit card. However, he brushed it off, completely disregarding my request.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we ordered our dinner, and he let the kids order expensive items from the menu. Before we started eating, I brought up his credit card again, just to be sure he hadn’t forgotten it. To my dismay, he looked at me with a shocked expression and began searching his pockets for a while.

Finally, he looked at me apologetically and said, “I think I left it in the other pair of jeans that I thought I was going to wear.” He then asked me to pay the bill “just this time.” The food was right in front of us, but I couldn’t even take a single bite. Frustrated and disappointed, I gathered my things and left. He panicked and questioned where I was going. I told him that I wouldn’t be paying “this time AGAIN” and instructed him to enjoy his dinner with the kids. Then, I walked out.

Later, he called me and expressed his anger. He couldn’t believe that I had left him and the kids in that situation. I argued back, explaining that I couldn’t keep paying for him and the kids every single time we went out. It was simply unfair. He insisted that he had forgotten, emphasizing it by yelling. He claimed that I lacked sympathy for him and the kids and accused me of letting them go hungry due to my selfishness.