Have you ever had that moment when your trust in someone starts to wobble like a stack of Jenga blocks? Well, grab your popcorn, because this story is all about how one woman’s trust was tested in the most annoying of ways—repeatedly, might I add.

Picture this: our protagonist, let’s call her Frustrated Fiona, had been dating her boyfriend for a solid nine months. Everything seemed peachy until she noticed a recurring trend that would drive any sane person up the wall. Every time they went out to a restaurant, her boyfriend would conveniently ‘forget’ his credit card. Suspicious much?

So what does our dear Fiona do? She takes to Reddit, the universe’s sounding board, to see if her frustrations are justified or if she’s perhaps overreacting. (Spoiler alert: She’s NOT overreacting!)

I have been dating my boyfriend, a 36-year-old man, for 9 months. He has two little children who love going out to eat. We have a weekly ritual of dining out, and each time—like clockwork—he forgets his credit card. Naturally, this leaves Fiona picking up the tab because, hey, they have kids in tow, and it’s not like she can just leave them hanging.

This charade has drained her, financially and emotionally. One fine day, even after receiving a timely text reminder not to forget his credit card, Mr. Forgetful laughed it off. Spoiler alert: he still forgot the darn thing.

As if scripted for a rom-com gone wrong, they arrive at the restaurant. The kids order the priciest items on the menu. Just before they start eating, Fiona asks about the credit card situation, and guess what—he forgot it yet again, blaming it on a last-minute wardrobe change. He suggests she cover the bill ‘just this time.’

But something inside Fiona snaps. She grabs her things and jets out of the restaurant without as much as a nibble. Mr. Forgetful goes into full meltdown mode, later calling her to unleash his anger. He’s appalled that she would walk out and leave him and his kids in such a predicament. He accuses her of selfishness for letting them ‘go hungry.’

Let’s cut to Dwight’s take on this. Seriously, repeatedly forgetting a credit card? I smell a rat, and it’s not just the leftovers they didn’t get to enjoy. Fiona, girl, you’ve got every right to be mad. If he’s genuinely that forgetful, he’d have a backup plan by now—like, say, Venmo or at least a mental note. And dragging the kids into this? That’s just low. Stand your ground, Fiona, because trust isn’t just about catching someone when they fall—it’s about making sure they don’t trip you up in the first place.