Imagine being in a relationship where everything seems to flow smoothly until you hit a recurring glitch, a glitch called ‘The Great Credit Card Vanisher.’ Our protagonist found herself in this exact conundrum after months of dating her seemingly forgetful boyfriend.

Here’s the setup: every time they stepped out for a meal, her boyfriend conveniently ‘forgot’ his credit card. Oh, the drama! It’s a situation Shakespeare could’ve penned a comedy about – or perhaps a tragedy, given the financial aftermath.

Too fed up to stay silent, she took to Reddit, the refuge of the modern-day advice seeker. Here is what she revealed:

“I have been dating my boyfriend, 36, for nine months. He has two children who absolutely adore eating out. Weekly, we would venture out, and without fail, he would forget his credit card. End result? My wallet always footed the bill. Initially, I brushed it off, but the saga continued, leaving me financially drained.”

She even tried to preempt his memory lapses by sending reminder texts, a move any well-organized general would admire. But, her efforts met with nothing more than a laugh. Cute, right?

On one ill-fated dinner outing, after reminding him yet again, he sheepishly revealed his credit card was in another pair of jeans. The meal, which included the kids ordering lavishly, was worth a small fortune. That was the last straw.

Before the first morsel could touch her lips, she grabbed her stuff and left. Her boyfriend was flabbergasted, probably as much by the departure as by the minors learning an unexpected lesson in dinner theater.

Post-dramatic walkout, instead of pondering his recurrent amnesia, our hero called her up, incensed. He accused her of leaving him and the kids in the lurch, bellowing about her lack of sympathy and selfishness.

He ranted about how she did not care for his children, letting them ‘starve’ because she refused to pay. Her retort was as sharp as a budget knife – she wouldn’t bear the cost of their meals anymore. It’s a wonder they weren’t reenacting scenes from a courtroom drama by that point.

This tale, sprinkled with humor, frustration, and a pinch of self-respect, lays bare the eternal struggle between love and financial fairness. What’s your take on this high-stakes dinner debacle? Share your thoughts below!