Jealousy is an emotion that many of us contend with on a daily basis. It can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to control our lives. And then, there are those who have to deal with a partner who is overly jealous in their relationship. It can be awkward, but sometimes, it’s funny when it happens to someone else.

Debbi Would and Steve on a talk show

Take a look at this shocking video of a woman who is dubbed as the most jealous woman in the world. Her name is Debbi Would, and she takes jealousy to the extreme. We see her husband, Steve, being put through a lie detector test every time he comes home. She even goes as far as banning him from watching other women on TV.

Debbi and Steve appeared on a talk show to discuss their relationship, or rather, the list of rules that Debbi has set up for Steve to follow. It’s not a conventional relationship, to say the least.

Now, I’m not saying that jealousy is entirely bad. In fact, in moderation, it can be a positive emotion. But making your husband take a lie detector test every time he walks through the door? That’s taking things a little too far.

During their appearance on the UK television show “This Morning” in 2015, Debbi explained why she was so jealous. She mentioned that when you’ve found a good partner, you’re not going to let them go easily. It’s an understandable fear, but her extreme actions might drive him away instead.

When asked if she thought her behavior might frighten Steve off, she confidently replied that she didn’t think she could frighten him away even if she tried. Steve chimed in, agreeing that he had no intention of leaving anytime soon. He also mentioned that Debbi doesn’t use the lie detector test as often as she used to. As for not watching other women on TV, he doesn’t mind because he prefers sports like football or racing.

Debbi discussed the reasoning behind banning certain TV shows, explaining that if she married a beautiful woman, it would be a different story. She feared that Steve might not just appreciate the beauty of another woman but start lusting after them mentally.

On another TV appearance, Debbi and Steve revealed that Debbi suffers from Othello Syndrome, which causes her to constantly worry about her partner being unfaithful. This condition can lead to extreme jealousy, but thankfully, there are treatments available, including medication, to help manage it.

Jealousy can be a challenging emotion to navigate, but it’s important to find a balance. Trust and communication are key in any relationship, and hopefully, Debbi and Steve will be able to work through their challenges with jealousy and find a healthier way forward.