Caroline Arthur, a mother from Melbourne, Australia, is not your average mom. In fact, she could be a record breaker with her incredibly long legs. Standing at an impressive 6 feet 2 inches tall, Caroline’s legs make up 69% of her body frame, measuring 51 ½ inches long! Her children even affectionately call her a “human skyscraper.”

Caroline recently spoke with Barcroft TV about her long legs and her potential world record status. She is considering reaching out to the Guinness Book of World Records to see if she could beat the current record holder, a Russian woman whose legs measured 51.9 inches in 2003. Caroline believes her legs are not only the longest in Australia but in America as well. She plans to contact the official record keeping organization to get an accurate measurement.

Although her long legs are impressive, they have also presented some challenges for Caroline. Finding clothes that fit properly, especially jeans and pants, can be quite difficult. She often has to buy them for their length rather than waist size just to ensure proper coverage.

Interestingly, Caroline’s husband, Cameron, is about the same height as her, and their children also take after their tall stature. Their 13-year-old son, Cooper, is already as tall as his mom, and their 15-year-old daughter, Zoe, measures 5-foot-9. Surprisingly, Caroline’s own mother is only 5-foot-3.

Caroline admits that growing up, her height made her a target for teasing. She was often called “Caroline the Powerline.” However, as she got older, Caroline embraced her unique features and pursued a career in modeling at the age of 15. She realized that her long legs, looks, and height were truly remarkable attributes. While her legs did help her land some modeling jobs, she also faced rejections due to her height not fitting the Australian beauty standards for clothing.

Despite the occasional negativity, Caroline mostly experiences positivity and admiration from people who notice her long legs. She has become accustomed to the attention and has learned to appreciate the compliments. Now, at 39 years old, she feels more secure and beautiful in her own skin than ever before.

Caroline’s husband, Cameron, adds that being married to her is good for his posture since her hip is higher than his when they stand next to each other.

Caroline Arthur is living proof that embracing our unique attributes can lead to greater self-confidence and a sense of beauty that goes beyond conventional standards.