Flying can be a convenient way to travel, but it can also be quite stressful. One of the things that can cause stress on a flight is the issue of weight. For individuals who are overweight or obese, it can sometimes lead to harassment. In order to avoid any discomfort, many people choose to purchase a second seat. This is exactly what one woman did, but when she was asked to give her extra seat to a young boy, she stood her ground.

The woman, who is obese, booked an extra seat for herself to ensure a more comfortable journey. She was flying to visit her brother and his husband for Christmas, and she knew that paying for an extra seat was her best option. However, when she boarded the plane, a woman with a young son approached her row and demanded that she give up her extra seat.

The woman politely refused, explaining that she had paid for the seat for her own comfort. This led to a big fuss, attracting the attention of the flight attendant. The upset mother claimed that the woman was stealing the seat from her son. The woman, however, was able to prove that she had indeed paid for the extra seat by showing her boarding passes.

The flight attendant asked the woman if she could squeeze in, but she firmly stood her ground and reiterated that she wanted the extra seat she had paid for. The mother was advised to have her son sit in her lap. Despite this resolution, the woman faced dirty looks and passive-aggressive remarks from the upset mother for the entire duration of the flight.

The woman, reflecting on the situation, wonders if she did the right thing because the boy seemed difficult to control. However, she does not regret her decision to keep her extra seat. After all, she had paid for it and had the right to sit comfortably during the flight.

Travelling can be exhausting and uncomfortable, especially for individuals who are overweight or obese. It is important to prioritize our own comfort and well-being, even in challenging situations like this one.