Imagine the surprise of a self-proclaimed “Crazy Dog Lady” who paid a premium price for what she thought was a purebred Dachshund, only to find out later that the dog was something else entirely. This shocking revelation left her feeling cheated and prompted her to share her story on TikTok, a popular social media platform.

The woman, based in Surrey, United Kingdom, had believed she was adopting a true sausage dog, not a mutt designed to resemble one. She took to her TikTok account, @healinghoundz, to express her disappointment and warn other potential dog owners about her experience.

In addition to being a dog enthusiast, this woman is also a mother of five children. Her household is busy and filled with nine dogs, one cat, and even a tortoise. Despite the chaos, all the humans and animals coexist peacefully under one roof.

Although the exact amount she paid for the dog remains undisclosed, it is well-known that purebred dachshunds can cost thousands of dollars. Many people are willing to spend a significant sum of money to own one of these dogs, known for their long bodies resembling sausages and their brown or black fur.

The TikTok video, which has now gone viral, showcases a slideshow of images of the so-called sausage dog as it grows into a completely different dog breed, rather than the promised purebred dachshund. Daily Mail reported that the dog’s appearance indicated it may be more closely related to a Jack Russell terrier or an Australian Kelpie than a sausage dog.

In the TikTok video, the dismayed dog owner expresses her frustration, saying, “When you pay for a purebred miniature sausage dog with papers and you end up with this. We got scammed.” Despite the deception, the British family still loves their unexpected companion, emphasizing their affection for him in the video.

The video has attracted a considerable amount of attention, with thousands of viewers. Many people were shocked by the pet seller’s dishonesty and joined in the conversation by leaving comments on the TikTok video.

Sadly, pet scams like this are becoming increasingly common. Research shows that since 2020, as more people turned to purebred animals as companions during the pandemic, pet scams have surged by a staggering four hundred percent. This means that there are many individuals out there attempting to pass off mixed-breed dogs and cats as purebreds.

Watch the video below to see the transformation of the so-called purebred sausage dog and join the conversation about this unfortunate scam.