
Tina Hines had an extraordinary experience that changed her life forever. Her heart stopped beating for a staggering twenty-seven minutes. She was gone, completely gone from this world. But when she returned, she had a profound message to share about Heaven. Now, Tina wants to spread the word to everyone about her encounter with the divine and the beauty of the afterlife.

During those twenty-seven minutes, Tina found herself in a world beyond our own. Although no one could tell what was happening inside her head at the time, Tina was transported to a place where she was in the presence of her creator, surrounded by the wonders of Heaven.

The tragic incident occurred while Tina was out for a walk with her husband. Out of nowhere, she suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed in excruciating pain. Her husband, Brian, did everything he could to save her. It was a shock to everyone because Tina was healthy and full of life. No one expected her to come so close to death in that moment.

Thankfully, Brian was able to bring Tina back using his CPR skills. But her revival was short-lived. She slipped back into unconsciousness and desperately needed the help of emergency services professionals with better equipment to bring her back.

Tina was rushed to a nearby hospital, where doctors worked tirelessly to revive her. At the same time, Tina’s sister, Tammy, and her husband Dave, dropped everything and raced to be by Tina’s side. They had a long journey ahead of them, but during the trip, Tammy had a premonition that Tina would be alright against all odds.

Just as they were travelling, Dave received a text from Brian, letting them know that Tina was alive. Brian entered the ICU room where Tina was recovering, and he realized that his prayers had been answered far beyond his wildest dreams.

The next day, Tina made incredible progress. She attempted to take breaths on her own, without the aid of a ventilator. Then, she asked for a pen and paper. Her hands scribbled down two powerful words: “It’s real.” This simple phrase held profound meaning for Tina, as it confirmed her encounter with God in Heaven.

During those precious twenty-seven minutes, Tina met Jesus and witnessed the majesty of the Gates of Heaven. Her near-death experience deepened her faith and that of her family. Knowing that she had been in direct contact with Jesus Christ in the afterlife, their beliefs grew stronger.

To commemorate this life-changing event, Tina decided to get a tattoo on her wrist that reads “It’s real.” It serves as a constant reminder of the presence of her Savior in her life, and a testament to the incredible journey she undertook during those twenty-seven minutes.

Tina Hines’s story is a remarkable one that reminds us that there is indeed something beyond this world. Her message about Heaven resonates with each of us and invites us to consider the profound possibilities waiting for us in the afterlife.