It’s tough to keep up with the Joneses. As we get older, we can’t help but notice how everyone seems to have the latest gadgets and designer clothes. It’s no different for celebrities, especially someone like Madonna, who used to be one of the biggest pop stars in the world.

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Madonna was an icon, a sex symbol, and an incredibly popular singer. But times have changed, and nowadays, Madonna isn’t as relevant as she used to be. This means she’s trying some pretty strange things to grab the attention of her fans and the American consumer base.

Recently, Madonna hopped on a TikTok trend and hinted that she might not be entirely straight. While Madonna has kissed women in the past, she has never publicly come out as a lesbian or bisexual. But she has always been a highly sexual person unafraid of expressing her desires.

However, Madonna’s latest internet stunt has left her fans worried about her mental health. In a bizarre video montage featuring herself, she was seen drinking water out of a dog bowl, like some kind of animal. The video was set to the song “I Wanna Be Your Dog” by The Stooges, a punk rock anthem that added an extra layer of strangeness.

Fans were disturbed, to say the least. Is Madonna trying to convey something about her state of mind? Is she signaling that she’s not feeling mentally well? Or is this just another attempt to shock her fans and stay relevant? It’s hard to say for sure. One thing though is clear – Madonna will do whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight, no matter how bizarre it may be.

But let’s hope that Madonna is doing okay and can find a different way to captivate American consumers that doesn’t involve such peculiar behavior. It would be great if she could focus on making new music instead. After all, isn’t that why we loved her so much in the first place?

Only time will tell what Madonna will do next. Until then, let’s keep our eyes peeled for any new developments from the legendary singer.