It’s no secret that fast food restaurants have a bit of a mixed reputation. While some people enjoy the convenience and tasty treats that these establishments offer, others are skeptical and even avoid them altogether. Recently, an incident at a McDonald’s has sparked outrage and left many questioning their loyalty to the beloved fast-food chain.

A video went viral, originally shared on Facebook, showcasing a McDonald’s employee at the Booval, Ipswich location engaging in a highly unappetizing activity. The footage exposes the worker holding a dripping wet mop head under the heat lamp specifically used to keep fries warm.

For anyone who has ever visited a McDonald’s, it’s a familiar sight to see the fries, burgers, and other delectable items sitting under heat lamps, ensuring they remain hot and fresh. This practice ensures the safety and quality of the food. However, the video depicts a heinous act that not only obstructs the heat lamp’s purpose but also poses a risk of water dripping onto the food below.

Unsurprisingly, the video quickly gained traction and ignited a firestorm of commentary condemning the worker’s actions. Many expressed their disgust and vowed never to return to McDonald’s again. Needless to say, this incident has cast a dark shadow over the reputation of the fast-food giant.