A hot topic of discussion has recently ignited online, sparked by the actions of a mom from North Carolina. Laura Muse, a 41-year-old mom of two, strongly believes in her right to check her children’s phones. While some parents might choose to simply put the devices away, Laura takes the extra step of snooping to ensure her kids are behaving appropriately.

In an interview with The New York Post, Laura explained her reasoning. Since she pays for their phones, she feels justified in going through them whenever she wants. Some may view this as disrespect or an invasion of privacy, but Laura sees it as her way of keeping tabs on her children and managing her household.

This routine of checking her children’s phones started when they were around 11 years old and has continued into their teenage years. As a mental health clinician, Laura wants to protect her kids from engaging in inappropriate behavior online and shield them from potential online predators and scammers. While she trusts her children, she believes these checks are necessary.

And it seems Laura is not alone in her decision to snoop through her children’s phones. Other parents have also chosen this controversial method to ensure there is no compromising content on their kids’ devices. While opinions on this topic vary, with some supporting and others criticizing it, Laura stands firm in her belief that she is protecting her children from potential dangers online.

Interestingly, Laura has not only caught her children behaving inappropriately in the past, such as her son posting revealing pictures of himself online, but she also uses these instances as teachable moments. “If I do find something that’s an issue, we talk about it and turn it into a teachable moment,” she explained. She understands that neither she nor her children are perfect, but it’s important to keep an eye on things.

In the digital age, striking a balance between fostering trust and ensuring our children’s safety is crucial. Parents have different opinions and parenting styles, but the well-being of our children should always be a top priority. Let’s continue the discussion on this important topic, learning from different perspectives and finding solutions that work best for our families.