Every Child Deserves Love and a Home

Children deserve the best in life – a warm home, nourishing food, and loving care. However, not every child is fortunate enough to be born into such circumstances. Some children end up in foster homes or shelters, unsure of what their future holds. These kids are waiting for the perfect family to shower them with the love and attention they deserve.

A Life-Changing Journey

Meet Melissa Servetz, a former teacher and single mother who has dedicated the past five years of her life to working in social services. She opened her heart and home to foster children, hoping to make a difference. Little did she know that four particular children would completely transform her life.

Over the years, Melissa has provided a nurturing environment for 56 foster children. Her dedication to improving their lives is evident. However, she believed it was time to take a step back and foster just one more child before retiring from this challenging role.

The Unforeseen Gift

While Melissa thought she just needed “one more,” fate had other plans. Her maternal instincts kicked in, and she couldn’t bear to see her four surviving foster children separated. It was then that Melissa realized her lifelong dream of becoming a mother was within reach.

Reflecting on their journey together, Melissa knew that adopting them was the right path. She not only fulfilled her own aspiration of motherhood but also provided a loving home for these children who had experienced so many ups and downs in their young lives.

Melissa believes that these children came into her life through destiny. It all started when a parent of one of Melissa’s former students informed her about the temporary housing crisis these children were facing. Melissa verified the situation with the agency, and without hesitation, she welcomed the two girls, Jade and Destiny, into her home.

A Greater Calling

But the story doesn’t end there. The mother of these children gave birth to two more boys, Matthew and Emerson, who also needed foster care. Melissa couldn’t find it in her heart to separate them, so she made the extraordinary decision to adopt all four of them. No child would be left behind.

Aware of the trauma these children had experienced, especially Jade and Destiny, who had suffered abuse, Melissa ensured they received counseling to process their emotions. She wanted to create a safe and loving environment for them to heal and grow.

In a heartfelt interview with Good Morning America, Melissa expressed, “I want them to remember that I picked them… and I have, in my opinion, the best children in the world.” She is confident that her four children have a bright future ahead, describing them as playful, active, enthusiastic, compassionate, loving, and gentle.

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