Kelly Clarke, a 51-year-old single woman, has fulfilled her long-held dream of becoming a mother by welcoming her baby girl, Lyla Rae Clarke, through IVF. Lyla, now seven months old, was born via caesarean on March 31st, weighing a healthy 7lbs 8oz at Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.

Kelly Clarke at 7 months pregnant

Kelly’s journey to motherhood hasn’t been without its challenges, but she remains constantly overwhelmed with joy at finally achieving her dreams. Known among her friends for being great with children, Kelly had always longed to be a mother but had been unlucky in love. As she approached her 50th birthday, she realized that time was not on her side. Inspired by a friend’s successful experience, she made the bold decision to fly to Athens, Greece, in March 2020 for an IVF consultation.

Despite facing resistance from her family due to her age and the use of a sperm donor, Kelly was determined to pursue her dream of motherhood. In July 2020, she returned to Athens for the implantation of the fertilized embryo and discovered her pregnancy just 12 days later. Kelly’s 51st birthday, her first as a mother, was an extra special occasion as she celebrated with little Lyla by her side.

Having spent her career in the aviation industry, including roles as cabin crew for Virgin Atlantic and British Airways, and later as a manager at Gatwick Airport, Kelly had always wanted to have a family. However, she hadn’t found the right partner to start a family with, so she decided to embark on this journey alone. Her determination and resilience led her to IVF Serum, a fertility clinic in Athens, where she received exceptional care and support.

Kelly’s parents initially expressed concern and tried to dissuade her from pursuing IVF due to worries about her job, finances, health, and wellbeing. However, they have since become incredibly supportive and adore spending time with their granddaughter, realizing that their initial resistance came from a place of deep love and concern for Kelly’s well-being.

The entire process, including treatment, fertility drugs, flights, and accommodation, cost Kelly around £4,000, significantly more affordable than treatment options in the UK. Although she experienced some migraines at the beginning of her pregnancy, the rest of her journey went smoothly. On March 31st, 2021, Kelly underwent a successful caesarean section and finally held her precious daughter in her arms.

Kelly with her newborn, as her dreams came true

While being a single parent poses its challenges, Kelly finds solace in the fact that Lyla has been an absolute angel, making the experience as beautiful as she had hoped. In accordance with her agreement with the fertility clinic, Kelly plans to tell Lyla the truth about her conception when she is old enough to understand. Honesty and love will guide their relationship, and Kelly wants Lyla to know just how much she is cherished and how far her mother went to bring her into this world.

Kelly’s journey is a testament to the fact that dreams can come true at any age. It serves as an inspiration for all those who long for parenthood but may face obstacles along the way. Kelly’s story shows us that with determination, support, and a little bit of luck, joy and fulfillment can be found in unexpected ways.