Amy has dropped seven dress sizes since embarking on her health kick

Amy Greaves, a 33-year-old new mum, has successfully shed seven dress sizes after struggling with weight gain following the birth of her daughter, Maia, in April 2018. Amy, from Gedling, Nottingham, found herself indulging in daily lunch dates with other parents during her maternity leave, which not only cost her £224 a month but also led to a significant increase in her waistline.

At her heaviest, Amy weighed 15st 6lb and went from a size 12 to a size 22 within months. Determined to make a change, she decided to eliminate the daily lunch dates and focus on her health. Fast forward to now, Amy has dropped seven dress sizes and currently weighs 11st 4lb.

Amy with Maia on holiday before her body transformation

As a freelance dance teacher, Amy wanted to look and feel healthy to excel in her profession. She admitted that turning to food for comfort after giving birth and coping with the loss of her father led her to her unhealthy eating habits.

Realizing that she needed to take control of her health, Amy joined Slimming World and committed to making healthier choices. This change has had a significant impact on her outlook on life. Amy expressed, “I wanted to be here to see my daughter grow up and if I carried on the way I was going, I wouldn’t have been around.”

Amy shed the extra kgs, dropping seven dress sizes after she changed her lifestyle

Amy has always struggled with her body image due to her dance training during her teenage years, constantly feeling the pressure to look a certain way and resorting to dieting. She mentioned, “You have a warped opinion of yourself – I wish I could go back now and respect my body more and do my training again.”

Now, Amy feels like a completely different person, filled with newfound confidence and happiness. She still attends playdates but with a different mindset, making sure to pack healthy snacks instead of indulging in unhealthy options. Amy’s diet has also undergone a significant transformation. Previously, her breakfast consisted of cake and coffee during playdates, while lunch comprised of a sandwich and chips from the pub. Snacks included chocolates, crisps, or any convenient option, and dinners often included oven food like chips, pizza, burgers, or chicken nuggets. Now, her breakfast includes a nutritious combination of eggs, mushrooms, spinach, bacon, porridge, fruit, and yogurt. For lunch, Amy opts for a healthy omelette, jacket potato, brown bread, low-calorie crisps, and fruit. She satisfies her snack cravings with meat, fruit, salad, and vegetables. Lastly, she has adopted a habit of making her dinners from scratch, preparing dishes like pasta, stroganoff, lasagne, and stir fry.

While on maternity, Amy started attending lunch dates with other mums and would often find herself snacking on cake, pub lunches and crisps daily

Amy’s incredible transformation serves as an inspiration to many. Through her journey, she discovered the importance of prioritizing her health and focusing on making sustainable lifestyle changes. Amy’s story reminds us that it’s never too late to take control of our well-being and regain our confidence.