Southwest Airlines, known for its open seating policy, has announced that it will be assigning seats starting in 2025. This change comes after extensive research on customer preferences, with 80% of Southwest customers and 86% of potential customers preferring an assigned seat.

The decision to assign seats was driven by the evolving needs of customers, particularly those taking longer flights who prefer a seat assignment. Southwest acknowledged that open seating was the number one reason why customers chose to fly with competitors instead. By implementing assigned seating, Southwest aims to broaden its appeal and attract more customers.

But that’s not the only change Southwest has in store. The airline also plans to introduce premium seating and redesign its boarding model. Additionally, Southwest will be offering redeye flights starting February 14, 2025, on select routes.

The new seat assignment policy is expected to have a significant impact on the airline’s cabin layout. About a third of the seats will offer extended legroom, and premium bookings will be available as early as next year. However, the details of these changes are still being designed and require approval from the Federal Aviation Administration.

Earlier this year, Southwest gave a sneak peek of its new seat design for 2025, which sparked some controversy on social media. Critics compared the updated seats to “slates of granite” and “plastic pool recliners,” expressing concerns about comfort. Southwest assured customers that the new seats will maintain the same width and legroom as the current ones.

With these changes, Southwest Airlines aims to modernize and meet the evolving needs of its customers. While the end of open seating may disappoint some loyalists, it is a step towards providing a more comfortable and personalized flying experience.