The Economic Onslaught
The global pandemic has left many people in a state of financial uncertainty. While the world is slowly recovering, some individuals and families are still struggling to make ends meet.

Amy and Joshua’s Turmoil

Amy Winter and Joshua Thain, along with their three young children, are one such family. They are facing the prospect of being evicted from their home in Thurnscoe because they haven’t been able to pay the rent for several months. To make matters worse, Amy is currently pregnant with their fourth child.

A Cry for Help

Despite their desperate situation, Barnsley Council has not provided the assistance they urgently need. Both Amy, 26, and Joshua, 27, depend on Universal Credit to make ends meet. They have been struggling to provide for their children, Sky (5), Daisy-Mae (4), and Lexi (18 months).

Amy reached out to her family for help, but due to their own limited living arrangements, they were unable to offer them any accommodation. The only person offering assistance is Joshua’s uncle, who lives far away in Somerset.

A Call for Support

Amy expressed her frustration, saying, “It’s gotten so bad that we don’t go out anymore because we’re constantly worried.” She believes that Barnsley Council needs to proactively find a solution instead of giving them conflicting information.

The rented property, owned by Sanctuary Housing, was under the tenancy agreement of Joshua’s late mother Victoria Robertshaw. Unfortunately, she passed away at the age of 45 in August after testing positive for Covid-19.

Your Opinion Matters

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think it’s fair to kick this struggling family out of their home? Share your opinions in the comments section below.