Imagine receiving a note along with your weekly grocery delivery, not just to inform you about missing items, but to congratulate you and brighten your day. Well, that’s exactly what happened to one lucky customer in Australia.

This heartwarming story took place in Melbourne, where a customer received her delivery from Woolworths Supermarket. To her surprise, along with the usual groceries, she found a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates that she hadn’t even ordered. But that’s not all – there was also a handwritten note from the staff.

The note read, “Congratulations on your 100th order! Thank you so much for continually choosing us to be your personal shoppers! Have a great night and stay safe! From the Woolies Thift Park online team =).” This thoughtful gesture left the customer speechless and filled with joy.

Another customer who received a chocolate bar and a thank you note

Excited about her unexpected gifts, she shared a photo of the note and presents on Woolworths’ official Facebook page, expressing her delight. She wrote, “Oh my god, this is the cutest thing ever!! Please pass on our thanks to the Woolies Thrift Park team!! They are seriously the best.”

Woolworths’ staff members came across her post and responded with gratitude for her kind words. They mentioned that they were delighted to have made her day with a little surprise for being the 100th order. The store management and online team were thrilled to receive this feedback, and they wished her a lovely weekend.

The message and gifts

To everyone’s surprise, other customers also shared their stories of receiving similar unexpected gifts with their orders. One customer posted a picture of a Cadbury chocolate bar she found in her delivery and praised Woolworths for their exceptional customer service. She wrote, “A really nice surprise when it had been a tough week, and a bit of chocolate went a long way to making my morning! Thank you, personal shopper!”

Upon inquiry, Woolworths shared that these acts of kindness are part of their Good Acts initiative. Their staff members strive to find ways to make their customers’ shopping experiences extra special. From handwritten notes to flowers and chocolates, they go above and beyond to bring a little joy and happiness to their customers’ lives.

So, if you happen to be one of Woolworths’ loyal customers, keep your eyes open during your next grocery delivery. You never know when a delightful surprise might await you.