Even in our modern world, remnants of our ancestors’ superstitious beliefs still linger within us. There’s a part of our minds that can’t help but entertain the possibility of the supernatural when strange events occur. And when it comes to the concept of death, even the most rational among us can find ourselves succumbing to fear and irrationality. In this lighthearted joke, we see how a father’s logical thinking gets clouded by superstition after an interaction with his young daughter.

One evening, a father puts his 3-year-old daughter to bed. He tells her a story and listens to her prayers, which include blessings for her mommy, daddy, and grandma. But her prayer concludes with an unexpected farewell to grandpa. Confused, the father asks why she said goodbye to grandpa. The little girl innocently replies, “I don’t know, daddy, it just seemed like the thing to do.”

The following day, to the father’s astonishment, grandpa passes away. The strange coincidence bewilders him. Months later, the father tucks his daughter into bed once again and listens to her prayers. This time, she blesses her mommy and daddy but says goodbye to her grandma. And just like before, the next day, the grandmother unexpectedly passes away.

Now convinced that his daughter has some kind of supernatural connection, the father becomes increasingly anxious. Weeks later, as he prepares his daughter for bed, he overhears her prayers once more. This time, her prayer consists of blessings for her mommy, but she says goodbye to her daddy. Disturbed, the father is unable to sleep and decides to go to his office early in the morning. He spends the entire day on edge, jumping at every little noise and anxiously watching the clock. He believes that if he can make it through until midnight, everything will be alright.

Finally, the stroke of midnight arrives, and the father lets out a sigh of relief. He heads home, exhausted from the stress of the day. When he enters the house, his wife comments on how late he worked and asks what happened. Not wanting to discuss his fears, the father simply replies, “I don’t want to talk about it. Today has been the worst day of my life.” Curious, his wife then shares her own unnerving experience: “You think you had a bad day? You’ll never believe what happened to me. This morning, the mailman dropped dead on our porch!”

Although just a joke, this amusing anecdote serves as a reminder of how easily our superstitious beliefs can influence our thoughts and actions. It’s a tale that elicits both laughter and introspection. So go ahead and share this funny story with your loved ones, and take a moment to reflect on the quirky ways our minds can sometimes play tricks on us.