Woman criticizes police officer for dining while on duty, leading him to share details about his day.

We all have our busy days, where we rush from one activity to another, trying to finish everything on time. Finding a moment to even use the restroom, let alone plan our meals, can be a challenge. But when we do get a break, it’s a relief to have five minutes to relax and eat. And guess what? Police officers deserve that break too.

One woman recently chose to humiliate PC Andre Owen, a dedicated police officer, for stopping during his one and only break in a 12-hour duty to grab some lunch. But his response on social media has gone viral, with thousands of people expressing their support for him.

Police Officer

PC Owen understands that being a police officer is not an easy job. He knows the effort that law enforcement personnel worldwide put in to maintain public safety because he is one of them. Even though they may seem like superheroes, saving lives and protecting us, they are still human. And like all humans, they sometimes need a break.

On this particular day, PC Owen had been working nonstop for seven hours and still had a 100-mile drive and paperwork waiting for him. He knew he needed to eat to get through the remaining hours of his shift, so he made a quick stop at Burger King. Little did he know that one customer in the restaurant would choose to criticize him for buying food while on duty.

The woman approached PC Owen and said, “Whilst you’re in here stuffing your face, there are criminals that need catching out there.” Instead of getting angry, PC Owen decided to defend himself in the best way possible. He shared his experience on Twitter, bringing attention to the reality faced by police officers every day.

Police Hero

After his post went viral, PC Owen received an outpouring of support. People from all over expressed their appreciation for his dedication. Five years into his career with the Sussex Police, he never expected this level of attention.

In his own words, PC Owen explained the events leading up to the encounter at the fast food restaurant. He had been assigned to a serious job in Brighton right at the start of his shift. After dealing with the situation, he had to drive nonstop to Oxford, still working on the same job. A half an hour into the journey back, he stopped at a service station for his first toilet break of the day. While there, he decided to get some food to keep him going. Unfortunately, the woman in question happened to notice him waiting for his order and started staring at him.

Despite being exhausted and hungry, PC Owen kept his composure and simply walked away without saying a word. He understood that as a police officer, his duty often extended beyond his regular working hours. In this case, he had stopped to assist a family with a broken-down car, which added another hour to an already long day. He finally finished his shift at 7 pm, after driving a hundred miles back to the station and completing his paperwork.

PC Owen's Busy Day

The story of PC Owen serves as a reminder that police officers are people too. They face long hours, unexpected situations, and sometimes unnecessary criticism. But they continue to do their job because they genuinely love what they do. They risk their lives for complete strangers, many of whom may not fully appreciate their dedication.

Burger King

So the next time you see a police officer taking a quick bite to eat, instead of making assumptions, offer a smile. We may not know what they have gone through or what challenges lie ahead for them. Let’s show our support for the men and women who work tirelessly to keep our streets safe. And please, share this article on Facebook if you agree!