After his father’s passing, the son made the difficult decision to leave his aging mother at an old age home. Though he would visit her from time to time, it was clear that he was not fully present in her life.

One day, the son received a call from the old age home informing him that his mother was very ill and he needed to come visit her immediately. Worried, he rushed to her side.

When he arrived, he saw his mother lying on her deathbed, her condition critical. With tears in his eyes, he asked her, “Mom, what can I do for you?”

To his surprise, his mom’s response wasn’t focused on herself. She simply asked him to install fans in the old age home, as there were none, and to provide a fridge to improve the quality of food. She shared that many times she had slept without a proper meal during her stay.

Confused, the son questioned his mother, “Mom, all this time you were here, you never complained. Now, with only a few hours left, you are telling me all this. Why?”

With strength in her voice, his mother replied, “I want you to take care of the old age home because one day, perhaps, your own grandchildren will abandon you here, and you will understand the pain and loneliness I felt.” She imparted her final piece of wisdom, “Remember, what you give is what you get.”

The son was deeply moved by his mother’s words. He realized the importance of caring for the elderly and vowed to make a change. From that day forward, he actively participated in improving the lives of the residents at the old age home, ensuring that no one would feel neglected or forgotten.

This story serves as a powerful reminder for all of us. It highlights the value of compassion and empathy towards our elderly loved ones. Let’s strive to be there for them, to listen to their needs, and to create a world where aging is embraced with dignity and respect.