You would think that spending a day at the pool would be a fun and relaxing time, but there was one Sunday at the YMCA that turned out to be quite unusual. In fact, one of the teenage lifeguards has a story that they can tell for a lifetime.

Natalie Lucas, an 18-year-old lifeguard at the YMCA in Longmont, Colorado, had been guarding lives for three years. Little did she know that this particular day would be unlike any other.

As Natalie was on duty, she noticed a couple entering the pool area. What caught her attention was the woman’s pregnant belly. Tessa Rider, in her ninth month of pregnancy, sought some relief from her nerve pain, so she frequented the pool with her husband, Matthew Jones.

While Tessa was gracefully maneuvering through the water, Natalie observed something amiss. As Tessa emerged from the pool, her water broke on the pool deck. It was clear that active labor had instantly begun.

Remaining calm and composed, Natalie approached the couple, who surprisingly remained calm as well. Matthew informed her that they were about to have their baby. Without hesitation, Natalie sprang into action.

Matthew dialed 911 while Natalie assisted Tessa with removing her bathing suit. The baby’s head was already crowning, and time was of the essence. Natalie swiftly called the front desk for a medical kit and gathered as many clean towels as possible.

Amidst the chaos, Natalie maintained her focus on the mother. She stayed calm, asking the couple questions and making sure they were as comfortable as possible. It was evident that she knew she needed to keep a level head.

In just a matter of minutes, with Natalie’s guidance, Matthew held his son right there on the pool deck. The 911 operator provided instructions to clear the baby’s airways and ensure he was breathing properly. Natalie used her own back to support the exhausted mother until the paramedics arrived.

Not only were Matthew and Tessa grateful for Natalie’s heroic actions, but they also received a clean bill of health for both Tessa and their new baby, Tobin.

Reflecting on the experience, Natalie shared, “It’s definitely something I will never forget, and I will tell the story for many years to come. But this experience has also opened my eyes to the incredible strength of women. It’s amazing to witness such moments and be there to support them.”

Natalie, who will be starting college in the fall, is relieved she could be there to help during such a remarkable event.