Sebbie Hall, 18, waters his neighbour's plants.

Since March 2020, an extraordinary young man named Sebbie Hall has been making a difference in the lives of others. Despite facing physical and learning difficulties, Sebbie has managed to help more than 2,000 people and raised over £42,000 through his incredible acts of kindness. His goal? To assist vulnerable young people in communicating during the challenging lockdown periods.

Sebbie’s selflessness knows no bounds. He has made it his mission to perform a random act of kindness every single day since the pandemic began. Just recently, he completed his final act by presenting a teddy bear to the Duchess of Devonshire at Chatsworth House, where he went to admire the beautiful Christmas lights. The Prime Minister himself praised Sebbie’s acts of kindness, recognizing the tremendous impact he has made.

The list of Sebbie’s kindnesses is both inspiring and heartwarming. He’s handed out flowers, teddies, and even lotto tickets to strangers on the street. In the spirit of Christmas, Sebbie dedicated 12 acts of kindness over the holidays. These acts included giving a tablet to a child with special educational needs, donating gloves to a refugee center, and delivering doughnuts to a local fire station. His generosity knew no bounds.

Cheque Presentation to Chuckle Productions.

Sebbie’s acts of kindness culminated in providing support to various charities and organizations. Sebbie donated three chickens to a food bank, jars of lemon curd to a church, and chocolate hampers to children in need. In addition, he offered milk to a women’s refuge and distributed yellow roses to strangers. He cleaned car windscreens, delivered letters, and even paid for people’s parking – all from his own pocket money.

What sets Sebbie apart is not just his kind deeds but also his impact on others. With the funds he has raised, Sebbie has established an arts hub and plans to continue his giving through a foundation focused on supporting disabled or vulnerable children. His legacy of compassion will live on.

He has been given an award from Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire

Despite his young age, Sebbie’s acts of kindness have garnered attention from celebrities as well. Ricky Wild, for example, tweeted a challenge for his friends to tag each other so that Sebbie could sing them a song. Sebbie’s renditions of popular tunes, such as “We’re the Kids of America,” have brought joy to many, including stars like Kim Wild, Nick Kershaw, and Midge Ure. Even Fireman Sam and his friends at Ponty Pandy sent Sebbie a personal message.

Sebbie’s kindness has not only touched others but also transformed him. His confidence has soared as a result of the positive responses he has received. These acts of kindness have even improved his verbal communication abilities, proving that kindness can truly change lives.

Sebbie’s journey of giving began when he wanted to donate his own iPad to a friend in need. Realizing that he could make an even greater impact by raising money, Sebbie’s parents, Ashley and Craig, supported his efforts and watched him flourish. Sebbie’s disabilities, which stem from a chromosomal alteration discovered when he was just one year old, have not hindered his incredible spirit.

Ashley, Sebbie’s proud mother, expressed her admiration for her son. She marvels at his empathy, knowledge, and the incredible ripple effect he has created. Sebbie’s kind acts have not only made a difference in the lives of others but have also shown him that kindness truly comes full circle.