Teenager hanging from power line

A terrifying car crash left Kennedy Littledike, a 19-year-old teenager, hanging from a power line with a broken leg. She recently opened up about the scariest part of the accident, recounting the horrifying ordeal she went through.

It all happened when Kennedy lost control of her vehicle and crashed into a power pole in Idaho, USA. The impact caused her to be ejected 30 feet into the air, where she ended up suspended on the power line. Kennedy vividly remembers the moment she found herself in this life-threatening situation.

Kennedy suffered severe injuries to her arm and leg, with blood gushing out uncontrollably. As she dangled above, a concerned crowd gathered below, waiting for help to arrive. The accident took place on May 22, 2021, and for about an hour, Kennedy remained in precarious danger, completely at the mercy of the situation.

Surviving the horrific car crash

Kennedy, along with her two friends who were also in the car, experienced a terrifying sequence of events. The vehicle flipped and rolled, causing her friends to be thrown out, one knocked unconscious and the other bleeding heavily from shattered vertebrae and broken bones. However, landing on the power line ultimately saved Kennedy’s life.

You might be wondering why she feels grateful for being suspended on an electrical cable. Remarkably, the power line pinched off the main artery in her leg, preventing her from bleeding to death. Additionally, the line cauterized the main artery in her arm when she was electrocuted, further preventing excessive blood loss.

Eventually, Kennedy was rescued from the wire and rushed to the hospital. Doctors had to amputate her leg and she experienced partial paralysis in one of her arms. In the midst of her recovery, Kennedy worried that she would never find love again due to her injuries. However, she has proven those fears wrong and is now in the “happiest relationship” with her boyfriend, whom she met last year.

Hanging from the power line

Despite enduring more than 21 surgeries, Kennedy has shown tremendous resilience and determination in her recovery. She has become an inspiration to others by sharing her story on social media, where she has gained a substantial following. Embracing her new lease on life with a prosthetic leg, Kennedy regularly participates in activities such as skiing, rock climbing, and mountain biking, proving that she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to.

In a YouTube video discussing her traumatic experience, Kennedy revealed the scariest part of the entire ordeal: waking up on the wire. Confused and surrounded by onlookers who couldn’t immediately rescue her, Kennedy was forced to stay focused on staying alive. She recalled, “I’ve never been a big crier, I hate crying, I just feel weak. So I knew if I started crying, I would be done. I knew if I cried, that would have been it for me.”

Kennedy’s memory of the Good Samaritans holding a white tarp underneath her for support while she hung from the wire remains vivid. At the time, she didn’t understand their intentions and simply wanted them to come and get her down. It was a moment filled with confusion and fear.

New relationship after the accident

Even after recovering, Kennedy still experiences flashbacks triggered by flashing lights and the sirens of emergency service vehicles. It deeply affects her, and she admits to feeling sick and even brought to tears. High speeds also trigger her, causing flashbacks and anxiety.

Kennedy Littledike’s story is a testament to resilience and strength in the face of unimaginable adversity. Despite the traumatic experience, she has found love, rebuilt her life, and remains an inspiration for others battling their own challenges.

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