When Patricia Clarke discovered she was pregnant in 1983, she had a funny feeling that her child would be on the large side. Little did she know just how colossal he would turn out to be!

Patricia gave birth to Kevin Robert Clark, a baby who tipped the scales at over 16 pounds. Not only was he the heftiest baby ever born at Community Memorial Hospital, but he also captured the attention of people across the nation, making headlines everywhere. Kevin’s size even earned him a special mention on popular TV shows like “Saturday Night Live” and “Good Morning America.”

But Kevin’s extraordinary journey didn’t stop there. As he grew up, he continued to shot up in height, towering over his friends and classmates. By the age of 12, he stood at an impressive 5 feet 7 inches. Imagine that! And by the time he reached junior high, he had already reached a towering 6 feet 5 inches. Today, at 35 years old, Kevin stands tall at an astounding 6 feet 9 inches.

Despite his size, Kevin has embraced his uniqueness with a lighthearted sense of humor. When people ask him about his height, he often playfully quips that he’s “5-foot-21” and likes to ask them if they play miniature golf. Kevin is living proof that it’s not the size that matters, but how you carry yourself. He has learned to live comfortably with his height and even has a 6-foot tall wife and a lovable Great Dane by his side.

Living in the spotlight from birth hasn’t been easy, but Kevin handles it with grace. He continues to live his life on his own terms, refusing to let his size define him. We admire his resilience and wish him all the best in his future endeavors!

If you’re interested in learning more about Kevin’s incredible journey, check out the video below: