Imagine an old carpenter, who despite being blind, had an incredible talent for carving little figures. People would gather around him at the pub, marveling at his skills. But what was truly remarkable about him was his ability to identify the type of wood he was working with just by its smell.

His friends, eager to put his skill to the test, decided to play a prank on him. They enlisted the help of an old lady and laid her on the bar. The blind carpenter sniffed and pondered, determined to prove his expertise once again. After a moment, he confidently declared, “You tried to trick me, this is the sh*thouse door from a tuna boat!”

It was moments like these that showcased the true brilliance and wit of the old carpenter. His unique talent and jovial nature endeared him to everyone who crossed his path. Whether it was carving intricate figures or entertaining his friends with his wood-smelling prowess, he was always full of surprises.

If you ever had the chance to meet him, he would proudly tell you about the wood he was working with before revealing the figure he was carving. He believed that the kind of wood was just as important as the final creation itself.

The old carpenter’s incredible skill and keen sense of smell made him legendary in his community. People were constantly trying to stump him, bringing different types of wood for him to identify. But time and time again, he proved them wrong, never failing to guess the correct wood.

His friends may have tried to pull a fast one on him, but they couldn’t outsmart the blind carpenter. His ability to detect the distinct aroma of different woods was an incredible talent that brought joy and amusement to everyone around him.