Be careful what you wish for—a dream home renovation might come with some unexpected hiccups, like terminal brain cancer. Just ask Bridget McGing, who found herself in the middle of a heart-wrenching yet inspiring home improvement story with her father, Bill McGing.

Home Sweet, Tumultuous Home

When Bridget McGing closed on her fixer-upper in Chicago, she probably didn’t plan on turning it into a warm-and-fuzzy Lifetime movie with a tragic twist. Her dad Bill, a retired contractor, accepted the task wholeheartedly, showing up daily to help renovate her dream attic. Coffee in hand, they’d begin each day listening to Bill’s old stories before diving into the renovation project.

Bridget McGing

Although Bridget handled it all with Google-level expertise, Bill showed her the ropes using tools like drills, saws, and levels, often jotting down notes on paper because “who needs tech-savvy when you have old school?”

The Instagram Sensation

When this dynamic duo began transforming the attic, Bridget’s friends convinced her to share their progress on TikTok and Instagram. Little did she know, she was about to become an internet celebrity. Her father even followed suit, creating his Instagram account and diving into their social media fame with suggestions and commentary. It became their unique way to bond, albeit one of the last activities they’d share.

March 2024 brought a ticking time bomb disguised as a headache—Bill was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer after a puzzling series of symptoms. What started as a dream renovation quickly turned into an emotional rollercoaster.

From Contractor to Patient

Understanding something was seriously wrong, Bridget and her nurse practitioner mother pushed for further medical imaging. The results? A brain tumor. Bill underwent surgery, but the news shattered the family. “How is this happening to us?”, they asked. Bill, the ultimate tough guy, was suddenly vulnerable.

But true to his character, Bill tackled his illness head-on. Physical therapy was grueling, but he remained ever the fighter. Watching his suffering was a nightmare for Bridget—her dad was once invincible. Now, she was tasked with the dual burden of caring for him and continuing the attic project they started together.

Community Power

Here’s where the story injects some much-needed positivity. Friends, family, and even some of Bill’s former colleagues pitched in to help finish the renovation. Even an electrician trained by Bill offered his expertise. Bridget later hired contractors to keep the momentum going, all while keeping her dad updated, although his awareness dwindled toward the end.

Finally, knowing her dad would have wanted her to push through, Bridget removed their tools from the attic, marking the end of their collaborative chapter. “That was really hard, like the end of a chapter,” Bridget admitted. With Bill’s passing on June 24, 2024, the story reached a bittersweet ending.

Bridge McGing

Commemoration ideas flooded in, thanks to the social media community. Memorializing her father, she thought about placing his photo in the attic framing or writing a note to him—both emotionally resonant choices. “I don’t want people to feel sorry for me,” Bridget asserts. This isn’t all about sympathy; it’s about honoring Bill and the project. “He’s my dad, and this is a sad thing that happened, but I wanted to honor the project we started together. I know he would have wanted me to continue.”

Moving Forward

At first, Bridget avoided the attic post-dad. The thought of completing the work without him was daunting. However, her sister joined her one day, providing the emotional support Bridget needed. They played music, reminisced, and finally conquered that dreaded drywall.

“So many people have said to me, “I’m so impressed that you’re able to move forward,” and they often share about their own experiences of grief,” she says. “The truth is, I’m still grieving, and it’s still very sad. But I know my dad would’ve wanted me to keep living my life.”

Currently, she’s painting the attic, and on one particularly quiet morning, she swore she heard footsteps overhead—a final inspection from Bill, perhaps? Bridget chooses to believe so. “I felt him around, smiling down on me,” she shares. For Bridget, this entire journey is not just about renovating a home; it’s about building memories, cherishing love, and continuing to live despite heartbreak. And let’s be real, could there be a more poignant way to honor someone’s legacy than finishing a project they cared about?

Bridge McGing

So, grab your tissues, but also your DIY gear. Life may throw some unexpected curveballs, but it’s never the wrong time to pick up that drill and keep building, one heartfelt story at a time.