Internet challenges are always popping up, and the latest craze is taking over TikTok. Dance challenges and more are spreading like wildfire. But there’s one video that went viral just before the pandemic hit the United States, featuring a group of police officers getting ready to dance their hearts out. Little did they know, their K-9 dog would steal the show with its impressive dance moves.

During the summer of 2019, the “Git Up” challenge took the world by storm. Created by Blanco Brown, his initial video gained over 43 million views in just a few months. Blanco even made a tutorial video, teaching others the dance moves so they could upload their own videos on YouTube and other social media platforms.

Thanks to Blanco Brown’s tutorial, many people started performing the dance in front of cameras. The “Git Up” challenge quickly spread across the country and gained popularity within hospital staffs, firehouses, and even police departments, as we can see in this video.

The Sutter County Sheriff’s Office joined forces with the Yuba City Police Department, Sutter County Code Enforcement, and Sutter County Courts to create a dance video for YouTube. They shared the video in November 2019, and to their surprise, it received an overwhelmingly positive response. Currently, the video has garnered over nine million views.

Thousands of people left comments on the YouTube page, and most of them were blown away by the dancing dog. Here is a selection of some of the comments:

  • “The dog said, ‘ok, they’ve officially lost it.’ ‘Should I bite someone?’ ‘F*** it, I’m sitting down.’”
  • “The dog is dancing with his partner so cute. I think y’all won.”
  • “I love how the dog was dancing with his partner. Y’all won!”
  • “This is so funny. I fell out of my seat and laughed as hard as I can, and I danced with them too. It was fun.”
  • “Awesome! Thank you for your selfless service in keeping us safe! Love the light-heartedness amid the chaos during these unsettling times.”
  • “That dog is adorable. I like the tall guy upfront. He sure can do the ho-down.”
  • “The poor dog is thinking: ‘I don’t remember being trained for whatever this is! I’ll just pretend I know what I’m doing.’”
  • “Watching from Australia. Couldn’t stop smiling throughout the whole video. Great stuff. I love the references to Super Troopers. All the best.”

After the video went viral, the County of Sutter, California, shared an update on YouTube, saying, “Everyone here in Sutter County is thrilled with the response to this video. Check out our channel for an ‘unveiling’ of the winner.”

So, what do you think about the dancing dog in the viral video?