When we think of dangerous wildlife, we often imagine lions and wolves. These powerful creatures demand our attention and respect. But there is another wild animal that we shouldn’t underestimate, even though it’s smaller in size – the coyote. While they may seem harmless from afar, coyotes can pose a threat, especially to our pets and children. It’s important for pet owners and parents to be vigilant and understand these misunderstood animals.

Living Alongside Coyotes

Coyotes have adapted well to urban environments and are a common sight in many cities. Unlike larger predators, such as lions and wolves, coyotes usually shy away from adult humans. However, their behavior can become unpredictable when it comes to smaller animals and children. To protect ourselves and our loved ones, it’s essential to educate ourselves about coyotes and how to coexist with them.

Avoid Feeding Coyotes

One important guideline provided by organizations like the Urban Coyote Research Project is to never feed coyotes. Feeding them can make them lose their fear of humans and associate people with food. This can make them more bold in their interactions and increase the risk of confrontations. It’s crucial to avoid encouraging them by leaving food out.

Dealing with Encounters

If you encounter a coyote, running away is not recommended. Coyotes are naturally curious, and fleeing from them might trigger their predatory instincts. Instead, try to stand your ground, make noise, yell, or throw something in their direction to scare them off. This helps reinforce their fear of humans and keeps them at a safe distance.

Being Alert at Night

Coyotes are primarily nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. This is when we need to be extra cautious about encountering them. Keeping pets indoors during nighttime hours is a wise precaution to minimize the chances of them encountering coyotes. However, it’s important to note that coyotes can also be seen during the day, and daytime sightings are particularly concerning. Coyotes observed during daylight hours may be less afraid of humans, increasing the risk of an attack.

Rare but Real Threats

While coyote attacks on humans are relatively rare, they do happen. According to a study, there were approximately 160 reported attacks in the United States and Canada from the 1980s to 2003. Most of the victims were children, and these incidents often occurred during the coyotes’ breeding season, which spans from March to August.

A Heart-Stopping Incident

In a chilling incident in Los Angeles, the danger posed by coyotes became all too real. In a neighborhood where a coyote had been spotted for months, a 2-year-old girl named Ariya was attacked in December. Ariel Eliyahuo, her father, recalled the harrowing moment: “I heard Ariya scream. I thought she fell down. I ran immediately to see what was going on and I saw the coyote attack her.” With quick thinking, Eliyahuo threw a water bottle at the coyote to fend it off. Ariya was rushed to the Emergency Room for treatment and rabies shots.

Continued Caution and Awareness

This incident highlights the ongoing need for caution and awareness in areas where coyotes reside. While Eliyahuo’s heroic actions saved his daughter from more severe harm, it serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers coyotes can pose, especially in urban areas. While attacks on humans are rare, it’s crucial to take preventative measures.

Coexisting Safely

In conclusion, coyote attacks on humans may be rare, but they are possible. Coyotes have adapted to urban environments and learning how to safely interact with them is crucial. Avoiding actions that might make them lose their natural fear of humans, like feeding them, and knowing what to do if you encounter one are essential steps in minimizing potential risks.

Especially during the coyote breeding season, parents and pet owners should exercise caution. Keeping pets indoors at night, supervising outdoor activities during the day, and being prepared to scare off any coyotes that come too close are practical measures to protect your loved ones. As urban areas continue to encroach on natural habitats, it’s important for us to responsibly and safely share our environment with wildlife. With awareness and precautions, we can coexist harmoniously with these often misunderstood neighbors.