Horrifying simulation shows what really happens to your body when you vape

You may be aware of the dangers of vaping, but have you ever seen what happens to your body when you vape? A new YouTube video reveals the horrifying truth about the chemicals that enter your body through vaping.

The effects of long-term vaping are still being determined, but it's thought to have a devastating impact on the lungs and body (Getty Stock Image)

While the full extent of the harm caused by vaping is still being researched, tragic stories of vaping addiction are emerging. From individuals given a one percent chance of surviving to young people undergoing extensive surgery to remove damaged lung tissue, the consequences can be severe.

According to the NHS, vaping is believed to be less harmful than smoking tobacco products but is not risk-free. Most vapes contain nicotine, an addictive substance, as well as other ingredients like propylene glycol, glycerine, and flavorings.

In the video shared by The Infographics Show, the simulation demonstrates how the chemicals from a vape impact the lungs. It creates a build-up on the mucus and alveoli, which are crucial for oxygen usage in the body. This build-up can paralyze the lungs and the cilia, which can take weeks to heal. Damage to the cilia puts the body at a higher risk of infections and illnesses.

A simulation has depicted the impact of vaping on the body, including the lungs (YouTube/The Infographics Show)

One alarming aspect of vaping is the popularity it has gained among teenagers and young adults. The appealing flavors and styles have made vaping attractive to this age group. Studies reveal that a significant number of middle school and high school students have experimented with e-cigarettes or vapes.

While the long-term effects of vaping are still being discovered, recent studies are shedding light on the damage it can cause. Researchers observed individuals who used e-cigarettes and compared them to non-smokers. It was found that e-cigarettes were associated with lung inflammation and inflammatory lung disease, leading to symptoms such as wheezing, breathing difficulties, and chest pain.

Vaping may seem like a trendy and harmless activity, but the reality is far from it. The chemicals it introduces into your body can have devastating effects on your lungs and overall health. It’s essential to be aware of the risks and make informed choices when it comes to your well-being.


Horrifying simulation shows what really happens to your body when you vape