Imagine this: a refrigerator filled with over 1,000 stolen eggs. That’s exactly what the police found when they opened the fridge of a man named Gu. But what made him steal all those eggs?

Gu, a 47-year-old security guard, had been smuggling stolen goods from a factory where he worked in Pinghu City, China. Along with the eggs, the police discovered meat, soaps, tissues, and detergent. It turned out that Gu had been pilfering food and supplies from his workplace for quite some time.

Why did he do it? Gu later confessed that he took the eggs for personal consumption. In fact, he had even written the dates on them so that he wouldn’t forget when to eat each one. It seems he had developed quite a taste for eggs.

This surprising discovery left everyone astonished, especially the factory spokesperson who said, “We are as surprised as everyone else that it was him.” They had always believed Gu to be a dedicated and hardworking guard, someone who loved working late shifts because he didn’t have anyone waiting for him at home. Little did they know that he was using the night shift to his advantage, stealing unnoticed while everyone else was gone.

The incident highlights the importance of trust in security guards, especially in factories and manufacturing businesses. Companies rely on these employees to protect against thefts and other security threats. However, in this case, Gu betrayed that trust, causing disappointment and a sense of betrayal among his employers.

It’s remarkable how someone’s actions can often reveal unexpected sides of their personality. Gu, the so-called “egg thief”, turned out to be a man who secretly enjoyed eggs and went to great lengths to satisfy his cravings. The situation, although amusing in a way, reminds us that trust can be misplaced and appearances can be deceiving.

So, the next time you open your fridge, take a moment to appreciate the eggs without any suspicion of them being stolen goods. And if you happen to enjoy a delicious egg-based dish, remember the story of the egg thief, a man who took his love for eggs a little too far.